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They finish and Frigga, Thor, my dad, and I walk back to the dining hall. Everyone looks at me with concern as I sit down and stay quiet. They don't ask what happened as they can tell I don't want to answer. My dad or Thor will tell them later, no doubt.

"Frigga, can I be excused?" I give her a look and she nods.

I get up and leave the room. I know that they are asking what happened and they can tell them. I don't care, it's not like it's a big secret. 

In no time, I'm in front of the dungeon doors, asking the guards to let me in. They do and I walk directly down the few stairs, down the hall, and into Loki's cell.

I feel him watching me as I throw myself onto his bed and groan.

"What happened, darling?" He asks concerned.

I turn onto my side and look to see him sitting in some type of ledge, holding a book in his hands.

"What are you reading?"

"A book. What's wrong?" He sets it down and sits at the end on the bed.

I turn onto my back and stay silent until, I look at him and look away, deciding to answer.

"I don't know. I keep getting these pains in my back but, that doesn't feel like the problem. I feel like I'm upset about something else, just don't know what."

He sighs and puts his hand on my leg.

"I understand." He says and I look at him again.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" He chuckles.

"I don't know." I smile with him.

I finally just met him and already, he is able to make me feel better. We sit in a comfortable silence before Loki gets up and goes back to reading his book.

"How many times have you read that book?" I turn to him.

"Too many. It's boring now." He sets it back down and looks at me.

"I can go get you a different one or I can recite an entire Midgardian book from memory it you'd like?" I chuckle

"Really? How do you do that?"

"I can't forget anything. I've never forgotten anything since the day I was born." I sigh. "Do you like poetry?"

"Yes. What have you got?"



"He's a famous poet on earth. Here, I'll read Othello."

He nods for me to start.

"Tush, never tell me; I take it much kindly
That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse
As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.

'Sblood, but you will not hear me:
If ever I did dream of such a matter,
Abhor me.-"

I continue on with the book while watching him listen. He seems interested and I can't help but smile at the fact that I did find someone that is my type. He is exactly what Nat and Wanda had described when asking me what type of guy I liked.

He's strong, sweet, kind, he likes to read, he is very tall, and he is definitely good looking. From just the few hours of being with him, I can tell he's a good listener as well. He didn't interrupt me once. He's a gentlemen.

Lokis POV-

Ruby's so nice. She's beautiful. She likes to read. Poetry even. And according to her, we are something in the future. I have no problem with that.

She gets someway through the book and I hear her yawn and I turn to look at her.

"Sorry." She giggles.

God, that giggle, it's adorable. I'd listen to it all the time, if I could.

"Don't apologize. You should go get some sleep. You're too tired to continue."

"I don't want to leave." She says honestly.

I'm taken aback but, smile anyway.

"I wish you didn't have to but, you need sleep." I nod nicely.

"I wish you weren't in this idiotic cell. Maybe you'd be able to come with me."

Her saying these things makes my heart swell. I can't help it, shes just too good.

"Really?" I chuckle.

"Yes, really. I wish you weren't here so that we could roam the halls together. You're cool." She chuckles.

"I am not cool. I am the God of Mischief. I'm way better then cool."

She laughs more and her hands flies to her stomach, making me smile.

"Okay, I'm sorry. What would you like to be called, my prince?"

"I don't know. Something better than 'cool.'"

"Alright. Umm, how about amazing?" She looks at me. "Or enticing?"

"I like the second option."

"Okay. We'll go with that, Mischief."

"Is that a nickname?" I raise my brows.

"Yes, and you're stuck with it. This one won't change." 

"Okay." I smile which makes her face light up. "Time for bed, come on."

I get up and she just groans. I walk over to her and grab her hand, pulling her up.

"Alright, fine. I'm going." She walks through the golden barrier.

"Goodnight, Darling."

"Goodnight, Mischief."

She turns around and walks out of the room happier then when she came in. I'm happy I was able to do that for her, she deserves it.

Lokis Angel - Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now