Chapter 23||Concerns

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Not much was going on in your village after the events from the other day. It's been probably about two weeks now, but you've been training. Day until dusk was non stop training. If you had a break, it was mainly going go help around the village. 

Every swing of your axe, beads of sweat splashed away from your body. Heavily panting, you picked up the pace as your feet glided across the ground. You slid yourself around and charged towards a huge boulder. It was at least ten times the size of you. You jumped and slammed your axe into the boulder. The boulder started to crack bit by bit. When you landed back on the ground, it shattered into a bunch of piece. You panted heavily as exhaustion started to catch up to you. You collapsed onto your hands and knees. 

"Prime?" You heard a concerned voice as footsteps got closer. "Why don't you rest yourself? You could injure yourself." You sighed as you fell on your back. You stared up at the cloudy, gray sky. Soon, Istan blocked your view of the sky. "Prime." He was more stern now. 

"Istan, I'll be fine." You closed your eyes. 

"Prime, avoiding your rest isn't going to make you any stronger. In fact, you'll become more weak, if you don't." You groaned as he was right. Training all day wasn't going to get you anywhere for very long. 

Your body fell weak and numb. You frowned as you opened your eyes. "I can't get up." You mumbled as you looked away from him. He sighed as he scooped you up into his arms and started to carry you back.

*Finn's pov*

"Hey! Jake! Wanna go slay some monster butts?" I yelled excitedly as I wanted to go do something since I was getting bored.

"Nah, let's just hang around the house for now." Jake stated as he flopped down onto the couch. 

I frowned as I wanted to do something. "Hey, maybe we can have Y/n come over!" I suggested. It'd be nice to have them over for awhile. 

Jake chuckled. "Yeah, we can go get them." A smile appeared on my face. 


I looked down to Jake as we were traveling though the forest to get Y/n. I could feel my heart beat faster. "J-jake. I'm nervous." I decided to tell him straight up. I could feel my palms starting to get all clammy and knots in my stomach. 

"Why's that?" He responded. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Thinking about going to Y/n's making me nervous." I didn't know what else to say.

"So, you're starting to realize your feelings about them?" Jake asked. I frowned as he wasn't much help. "Alright, just relax." Jake started. "But they might actually like you back, ya know?" I nodded to his words. "Though, I'm not sure if they're all into anyone. They don't really seem like the type to be all romantic and all that junk." My heart sunk. Oh no. There's definitely a high chance of them not even liking me back, wait. I never figured out if I even like them or not. 

"Listen Finn, I think you really do like them." I frowned at his words, but he's not wrong. I do like them. It was clear and I need to stop lying to myself.

Something hit me. I realized that they're human. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to them. "Jake. They're a human. Maybe I just need a close friend that's like me physically! Like Susan! She is human enough, but Y/n! I'm pretty sure they're all the way human!" As I said that, it didn't feel exactly right. Do I really want her to be just a friend? 

Jake moved his face so I could see it. He had a frown on his face. "Finn." He spoke my name very sternly. "If they really are human, then you can't let them drift away." Jake started. "Since Susan is some fish person, Y/n is the only other human besides you." Everything in my body dropped as the realization hit me. I have to keep our friendship going. "You two have to stick together. If you mess up, then they could be gone forever!" Jake exclaimed as now I was in a panic.

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