Chapter 21||Back Home

21 1 0

*third person*

It was time to go back now. You've had quite a bit of fun while you were away from home. Finn and Jake followed along as you started to head towards the forest. You still were going to go through Monjiro's territory. "Hey, Prime, is it really a good idea to go through that wolf's place again?" Jake asked you as he was getting worried. 

You chuckled. "Oh it's nothing. If anything happens, I'll get the repercussions." You kinda brushed it and acted like the whole situation at the castle didn't happen. 

"But she said she was gonna rip your head off!" Jake was in a bit of a panic now. 

"She's not going to rip my head off." You made a barrier appear around you. "See, I'll be fine." The barrier disappeared around you. "Under my watchful eye, you both will be protected." You added on and acted more 'heavenly,' so to speak. The three of you continued to walk through the path you all did before. You didn't know if the bandits were still there or not, so it was best anyways. 

"Did you say there was bandits in the forest?" Finn asked. 

You nodded. "Yes." You paused. "But they don't get too close to either of our territories." You explained to him. 

"Well then let's go beat them up! That'll get rid of them!" Finn exclaimed. You sighed as you knew he wanted to fight them really bad. 

"No. We're not beating the bandits up." You were annoyed that he was going into that conversation. "If they needed to be rid of, I would of just done it already." You added on, hoping he would understand that not everyone needs to be beat up to leave. 

"Don't they bother you guys?" Jake asked. The bandits did bother you all, but dared not to come even close to the village. 

You sighed. "It is harder to travel through the easier path and stay in our territory when doing so, but that's about the only real problem." You weren't going to say how some of them would throw rocks and sticks around the walls of the place. They didn't need to know that much. Though, it take long to hear some rustling nearby. You looked around as you continued to walk. Finn and Jake didn't seem to hear it, so that's fine. The rustling continued on, so you had to stop. There was some mummers mixed in as well. Someone was there.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Finn walked in front of you as he asked. 

"Alright, you can come out now." You placed your hands on your hips. 

Soon a dirty, purple lump came out and grabbed onto you. "Oh! You've got to help me! Bandits are attackin me for my precious lumps!" You sighed as it was LSP. 

"Alright, I'll protect you." You stated as you looked down at the sobbing LSP. 

"Oh thank you kind stranger!" You frowned as LSP didn't recognize you.

"LSP, That's Y/n." Finn crossed his arms. 

LSP's eyes widened as she backed off. "It really is!" This was getting tiring with her. "I didn't recognize you with that new mask!" LSP stated and acted surprised. Your mask was barely any different from before. It was slightly bigger and was able to open at the mouth so you could eat better with. You've had the old mask for years, so it was due for a new one anyways. At least LSP knew you had a different mask on without telling her. 

"There she is!" A gnarly voice yelled as a few figures appeared from the forest, surrounding all four of you. LSP cowered behind you as you looked at the bandit. He was tall and had blue skin. Lots of muscles as tight cloth covered his body. Armor was placed on his shoulders, legs and one arm as he wielded a dagger in the opposite arm. 

You crossed your arms. "Finn! Do somethin!" LSP yelled as Finn grabbed his sword and readied up to fight them. 

You place your arm in front of Finn as you glanced at him. "Put your weapon down." You mumbled to Finn. You looked back at the towering figure. You were quite used to this. You crossed your arms. "Don't you know who I am?" You smirked underneath your mask. 

"No, and why should I!?" He yelled back as he seemed to be a little bit annoyed. 

"Fight me and you'll bare the consequences from the entire minotaur tribe." You used a harsh voice to try and convince him to stop while he's ahead. 

Instead of a fearful face or some horrified scream, a gnarly laugh came from him. "A bunch of puny punks like you in the minotaur tribe!? What a load of crap!" He said in between bursts of laughs. His little gang started to laugh as well. They seemed to only care about size. Maybe they seen Istan and were afraid of coming near the village. You weren't exactly sure.

"You seem to not recognize me at all." You stated with confidence towards them. 

"What? Did I kill your parents and you've come on their behalf?" He was using a fake whiny voice with it. 

You rolled your eyes underneath the mask. "No." You were pretty blunt about that. "I'm the Prime of the Minotaurs." You started to crack your knuckles to prepare. One hand first. "And I've heard you've been chasing one of my guests around." Then the other. 

A loud audible laugh echoed. "You're their prime!?" He didn't even really seem surprised. "You're puny! No way you have even a sixth of a normal minotaur's strength!" He yelled. 

"You're welcome to combat that theory." You told him. 

"This'll be easy." He said. He swung his dagger extremely fast, but not fast enough so you couldn't you used your barrier. It blocked by the barrier, just centimeters away from your head. "What the-" He mumbled as he continued to swing, but each hit was blocked a few centimeters away. "You're not getting hit at all!" He yelled as he backed away. 

You cocked a smirk underneath the mask. "It should of been clear to know exactly who I am."  You grabbed the handle of your axe. "If you wish to not perish, then leave this forest." They all still stood in shock. "NOW!" You yelled as they scurried away. You sighed. You felt a little weak having to use your barriers a lot and on time. It was nothing you couldn't handle though. 

"Y/n, that was so cool!" LSP shrieked. You rolled your eyes as you smiled. It wasn't that impressive. "Thank you so much for savin me!" LSP thanked you. 

"Alright, let's just head back now." You stated as you continued to walk the path to the village. 


You made it back home. "The prime is back!" Someone from the village yelled. Everyone started to swarm around you as you've return. 

"Prime." Istan appeared from crowd and stood in front of you. 

You smiled. "I'm home." You told him. 

"Welcome bac-" Istan paused as he looked you up and down. "You've gotten a new scar." You were a little confused as you looked down at your thigh. 

You chuckled nervously as you rubbed the back your neck. "Yeah, I got myself in a little bit of trouble, but nothin I couldn't handle." Istan would be mad if he found out what exactly happen. 

"Well, welcome home." Istan gave a smile, which to be honest was a little awkward, but still somehow lovable. 

"Finn and Jake, you guys can come visit all you guys want." You started. "But if we have something important going on, then maybe not." You added. 

"Yeah, that's fine. We wouldn't wanna get all up in your minotaur biz." Jake seemed to be on board. 

Finn shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose we could wait." 

You smiled. "Alright, you two know the way back, correct?" You asked, having confidence in them. They both nodded. 

"Yeah, we'll see ya around Prime." Jake and Finn waved as they started to leave the village. 

"Now you and me, Prime, need to have a little chat." LSP swayed her hips around as she pointed at you. You forgot she was here at all and had a feeling of where this was going. You nodded so you would get over it. 

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