Chapter 8||Pond

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*Finn's pov*

After a while of trying to rest myself, but I just couldn't. It was getting late, but I decided to sit myself up. I noticed Jake was asleep. I sighed as I left the room entirely. I tried to get myself outside so I could get some fresh air. I walked around to see if I could maybe get a spot by myself. I soon found a spot just outside the village near a small pond. I sat on a rock that laid beside the pond. There was small fish and frogs in the water. I could see the moon and my own reflect in the pond. 

"Hey, Finn." I jumped as I turned around. I may have also shrieked, but was only Y/n. 

I quickly looked away as my face flushed from embarrassment. "H-hey." I replied back. 

"You're up late." They spoke. I nodded. In the corner of my eye, I could see that they sat beside me. 

"I needed some fresh air."  They chuckled. We sat in silence. My fingers tapped against my legs as I was getting awkward. I had no idea what to even say to them. I glanced at them, but they seemed content enough just looking at the water. 

"The water is relaxing to look at isn't?" They asked me. 

I gave a small smile. "Yeah. I never really sit down and look at the water." I told them. I never really had time after adventuring all day. They just hummed in response. More silence between us. Thoughts were starting to circle in my head. 

"What's bothering you?" Y/n's voice broke my thoughts. They seemed to know something was up.

 "N-nothing." I looked away from them. Then, I felt something wrap around my hand. I looked down to see it was Y/n's hand. My heart skipped a beat. 

"It's alright if you don't want to speak about it, but I'll be here when you're ready." Their voice was so kind as they let go of my hand. I looked them in the eyes. No emotion though. There wasn't anything I read out of those eyes of theirs. I noticed they didn't even blink. It was strange. Do Minotaurs blink? No, they've got to. I raised an eyebrow as I thought. "What?" They titled tehir head. I was just confused by their face. 

"Are you real?" Those words came out of my mouth before I could react. 

"Of course?" They was, of course, confused of why I asked that. This was probably their real face, I mean why wouldn't they have a minotaur face? I needed to check for certain, to clear my doubts. I placed my head on the side of their face to feel it. It was firm, but yet so soft. It didn't feel like a normal face. I placed a hand on my face and squished it around. Their face didn't squish around like mine. "Finn, what are you doing?" She asked. 

"Your face is really firm." I mumbled. Their head turned away from me. I was afraid I said something wrong. 

They chuckled before responding. "It's a mask." They spoke.

"A m-mask?" I was confused of what she was meaning. Maybe it wasn't tehir real face.

"This face. It's a mask I wear. I mean , I really like wearing it, though." They told me. Maybe there was something more to them wearing it. Man, it was suspenseful. Ugh, only if they would just tell me. "It's a lot to get into." They rubbed the back of their neck. "But I don't feel like getting into it much, right now." I frowned. I guess they didn't trust me enough to tell me. This suspense is probably gonna kill me. If it's a mask, what did they really look like? I never got a good look of their face during the prime ceremony, since it was too dark and I was trying to look away.

I turned to the pond as I put my knees to my chest as I remembered what they said earlier. "Hey, do you think I'm disgusting?"  I asked them, only to regret it, well not because of what they said, but I felt bad for asking it. They shook their head.

 A hand was placed on my shoulder. "You're not disgusting. I'm sorry for saying humans are disgusting." They seemed to regret saying that. I just nodded as I wasn't sure of how to respond to them. "I.." They paused. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get into trouble. It's just humans have taken so much from us in the past." They explained to me.

 It was understandable. "That's alright." I mumbled. There wasn't much I could say. We sat in more silence. My heart started to race. What was going on? Why is it racing right now? 

I heard sniffles coming from them, but I didn't see the tears since they're wearing a mask. "Why couldn't I be born as a minotaur?" They mumbled.  They weren't a minotaur? So it was confirmed, but what were they? Were they really something like me or Susan or something else. I wasn't sure of what to do. "Lady Heifer couldn't of truly wanted to be reborn as me." They mumbled more. I had no idea of who Lady Heifer was or what they was meaning, but I had to do something. I laid my arm around them to try and comfort them. The warmth of their body spread to me. It was nice. If Jake was here, he'd know what to do to comfort them. Maybe. "I'm sorry." They shoved away from me. The warmth was gone as soon as it came. It felt cold and empty now. "I shouldn't be acting like this to my guest. I apologize for my behavior." They apologized again. I'm guessing this wasn't a side they showed most. 

I shook my hands. "No. You're fine." I tried to reassure them. 

They stood up. "I'll head to bed, now." They rushed away from the pond and back to their room. It was probably time for me to go back as well. 

I entered my room. It was pretty dark. "Finn!" Someone whispered to me from inside. It was Jake's voice.

"Y-yeah?" I asked as I didn't even know if he was awake. He was definitely awake when he appeared in front of me.

"Finn, what was going on with you and the Prime out there?" He asked, as if there was something up.

My heart stopped. Ugh, why? There wasn't anything going on. "N-nothing. We just were sitting there watching the pond."

Jake frowned. "Oh no you weren't. You were touching their face and being kinda weird!" Jake had been watching us. My face heated up as he really didn't know the content of that.

"Jake, you don't und-"

"Finn, don't tell me you like them!?" My heart skipped a beat at his words.

My body tensed up. There wasn't anyway, right? No. I met them like a week ago. I clenched my fist as Jake was already making assumptions. "No! I don't like them! We were just talking out there!" I whispered yelled at him.

"About what?" Jake questioned further as he put his fists on his hips. I had to lie, I'm sure my trust with them would be broken if I told him, but he's my brother and best friend. I had to tell him, but I couldn't.

"Jake, I can't break their trust. They said not to tell." I gave in. I hope he could understand. Jake frowned. Well, I guess I kinda lied. They didn't mention anything about not telling, but it seemed like they didn't want anyone to know. I didn't really get to know.

"Alright, fine. Keep your secrets." Jake was still suspicious of what happened. We had to bed and got some rest. 

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