Chapter 5||Coming of Age Festival

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*timeskip to the festival*

*third person*

There was just a few small thing before you could let everyone in. You hurried up and placed all the lanterns in the big party hall. It was large and open with tables around the edges of the walls. The space was pretty much open. It was basically a dance floor, if you could say. You walked up to the door. You looked around at everyone who helped you set everything. "Alright, are we ready?" You asked as they all nodded. As you gently placed your hands on the doors, you took a deep breath in. You pushed the doors wide open only to see the smiling faces of your people. They were getting ready to start a new journey of their lives. One of the biggest moments where they partied before they really became an adult. 

You smiled at everyone as they called out 'Prime' when they seen you. "Alright! Let's begin the feast! Dance the night away!!" You yelled as everyone rushed inside. You, on the other hand, quickly rushed to the spot where you were suppose to be sitting. There was a table and Istan was already sitting there. There was enough chairs for the trio as well. Princess Bubblegum was sitting a chair away from Istan, since it was your chair in the middle of them. You hopped over the table and slid into your seat. Finn and Jake were seated beside Bubblegum.

"Prime, you shouldn't act like that." Istan whispered to me. 

You smirked as you crossed your arms. "Oh, come on. I will never not do that." You told him, only for him to roll his eyes. 

"So will they just feast all night?" Bubblegum asked you. 

You chuckled. "We'll have this time where some of the couples will be able to dance with each other." Finn's eyes seemed to widened at first. 

Bubblegum smiled. "Oh! Do you have someone to dance with?" Bubblegum asked, just wanting to know. 

You chuckled, again. "Me? No. I just get to sit here and watch." You told her straight up. 

She frowned. "Well, that's no fun? Isn't it suppose to be fun for everyone coming of age?" She asked.

 You just shrugged. "Well, I'm 18 and I was suppose to have my coming of age ceremony already, but some things just got in the way. So I couldn't if I wanted to." You explained to her. 


*Finn's pov*

I looked at Y/n as I sat. They were staring off into the distant as everyone was partying. It was kind of a boring party since I couldn't do anything, but eat and watch. I noticed Istan nudge Y/n's arm. They turned to him and he was whispering something. They only nodded as they stared back into the crowd of people. "Hey, dude. What'cha lookin at?" Jake interrupted me. 

I turned to him. "Sorry. Spacing out. It's too boring here." I told him. He smirked. 

"Yeah, I feel ya. We could really liven it up around here." Jake suggested. 

PB turned to us. "Finn, Jake. Be respectful of their culture." She whispered yelled at us. "You will sit in your seats until Prime Y/n tells you to get up." We sighed as we leaned further onto the table. 

It was so boring just sitting here and doing nothing. Y/n could of made us do something. "Their prime ceremony's gonna this boring, too." I mumbled to myself. If there was anything I could do to get myself to do something. Maybe even get out of here. 

"Alright everyone!" Y/n stood up as they got everyone's attention. "Alright! It's time for our young couples to take the floor. Please leave the floor if you do not wanna dance or don't have a significant other." They mumbled the last part. 

"Hey, Prime. Mind we if we just go out there and dance anyways?" Jake asked Y/n. They only gave a chuckle at first. 

"Are you two a couple?" They teased us two. Me and Jake frowned. 

"No way! We're just best buds!" I exclaimed. "We're brother, too!" I added on. 

"Alright. If you really want to get out and dance, then just go outside and dance. We wouldn't want to disturb the young couples." Their voice was so.. reassuring. They didn't have a big problem about it like PB! PB would of been all like 'no, you will sit down and watch the others dance' or something like that.

I smiled as their attitude was refreshing, coming from someone of high status. "Yes!" I fist bumped the air as Jake and I started to head outside. We finally were going to get out. 

"But you cannot leave during my prime ceremony, you got it? It's not something you'll get to see every day, let alone every year." They seemed pretty keen on us not leaving during that. It seemed like a pretty big thing for them. I just hoped it's not some dumb, royal tea party. That would be a real bummer. With that, we headed outside the dance the night away.

*back to third person* 

You sat there as you watched the rest of night fly by. You were mainly zoning out the entire time. Watching other people have fun wasn't exactly fun for you, but you had to do it. "Prime, we'll clean up. Rest up." Istan insisted. 

You smirked. "I'll clean up as well. It'll make things go faster." You told him. He only rolled his eyes as he started to clean up everything. You quickly grabbed as many plates as you could and rushed to the kitchen area. 

"We'll wash those! Just keep bringing them!" You nodded as you listened to the woman's voice. Soon, everything was cleaned up and put away. It looked like an ordinary, large warehouse, looking building. You brushed your hands together to rid some of the dirt. A loud yawn erupted from your mouth as you stretched yourself out. It was pretty late and most of the villagers had went to bed. Some people helping had already decided to leave the rest to you and Istan, which wasn't much anyways. 

"Istan! I'm heading out!" You called out to Istan to let him know. 

"Goodnight, prime." He responded. You headed out the door. You could get muffled voices. Istan was talking inside to someone. You shrugged as it was probably nothing for you to worry about. Though, you could hear muffled voices from outside. You stopped as looked around for where the voices were coming from. 

"Haha! Man, we really killed it, didn't we?" It was Jake's voice. You, of course, headed to the sound of the voice. On the side of the building, Finn and Jake were sitting up against the building. "Hey, Prime." Jake greeted you as he noticed you first. You gave a smile to them.

 "You guys aren't tired, yet?" You asked to see if they were resting from whatever partying they were doing. 

"I'm pretty tired, partying with Finn all night has really taken a lot of me for today." Jake explained. 

Finn chuckled. "We had a dance battle. I won." He had a very proud grin on his face about that. You nodded. 

"Alright, I'll be heading back to my room. You guys have fun doing whatever you'll do." You left the two sitting by themselves. Some thoughts were going through your head as you headed back.

It's been 18 years since you've meet this group of minotaurs. It was really surprising you've made it far with them. Hell, you were small and puny compared to them at first. Now you're probably one of the strongest in the village. You were even appointed as prime. 18 years dedicated to a good life. You were quite proud of what you've accomplished.  This village has grown stronger bonds than before the king and queen's deaths. It seemed to have been ages ago since their deaths and you only just now had their funeral ceremonies. You were officially becoming a prime within a few days. Istan was technically King since he was the old King's son, but it seems like you're more of a King than a prime. You've been making decisions that Istan should of been making, but you've been the one to make the final decision. It's only now that it's hit you as weird. It's weird, right? For the prime to make decision? Maybe not, you wondered if Bubblegum is the ruler even though she's just princess. Maybe it's not so weird? You shook your head. "Time to get rest." You entered your room and got ready to go to bed. 

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