Chapter 13||Monjiro

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*third person*

Nothing happened at all most of the party, well for Finn and Jake anyways. For you, you met quite a few different princesses with their own uniqueness. You wished LSP listened to you when you said you weren't into Finn, and who knows what she'd even write about. 

A cold chill soon rushed throughout your body. Something was coming and you knew who. You grabbed onto your axe handle, preparing yourself for the worst. A window busted opened as screams cried out and a white figure zoomed into the room. A loud howl echoed throughout the hall. "Y/n!!!" It was furious by the sound of it. 

"MONJIRO!" You yelled back at the white, fanged beast. You pulled your axe out readying for whatever Monjiro threw at you. You also knew Finn and Jake were here, so you should probably mention that. "Finn, Jake, don't you two dare get involved!" You yelled as you knew that they were at the window behind you. 

"Nuh-uh! I'm helping!" Finn jumped into the hall, pulling his sword out. You swung your axe in front of him. 

"You do not know what is happening." You told him. He seemed to not be getting the idea. "Finn, don't do anything stupid, just sit back and watc-"

"No! I'm going to help fight the beast!" Finn proclaimed. You rolled your eyes. In a blink of an eye, Monjiro lunged at you and you blocked her claws with your axe, but you were slammed into the ground as the wolf stood over top of you. "MP!" Finn cried out as he was ready to slash his sword. 

"Finn, stop!! Don't move a muscle!" You yelled out and he surprisingly stopped. 

Monjiro scoffed. "See the humans want nothing, but destruction. You know it firsthand." Monjiro was still on about that, but you tell that's not why she's here. "I'll cut to the chase, you went through my territory with my permission." Monjiro explained. 

"There have been bandits on our route to outside the forest! That was the safest way to take people out." You told her. 

"Get off the Prime!" Finn yelled as he pointed at Monjiro. You sighed as you kicked Monjiro away from your body and quickly hopped to your feet, readying your axe as well. 

"You know, Y/n, don't think you're a god just because you've been reincarnated. You aren't even as close to what Heifer's strength was." Monjiro seemed to trying to imply something, but you knew it was just a ruse. "She could do so much more than measly axe swings all day." She added on. You weren't of what she was talking about. "Heifer just had a special power like no else. It was truly an honor to see it all before the incident." She was referring to what happened with her. "Since you've cut through my territory, I am furious." Monjiro seemed to be serious about this issue. 

She lunged forward but you swung your axe to block her claws. She tried to move her head so she could bite you, but to no avail. She pushed herself away from her axe as she charged again, this time with more speed. You tried to block her, but it was becoming less and less effective. You need this to end so no one gets hurt. You yelled loudly as she was charging for the final time. "ENOUGH!" Then something appeared and Monjiro crashed into the semi-transparent wall. Monjiro slid down to the floor. She stood herself up and shook her body out of the shock. "Stop being so foolish!" You yelled, trying to get her to stop. 

Monjiro gave a cold, wide eyed stare at you. This wasn't a normal look, but you smirked at her. She didn't know that you could do that, but you knew you could do that. She gave a growl at you. "You've improve much more than I thought, but don't let your head swell." Monjiro leaped toward the balcony and turned her head towards you. "Don't dare tread my territory or your head shall be ripped from your body." With that, Monjiro fled the area. 

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