Chapter 1||Minotaur Prime

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(Your outfit above.^^)

"Hey! PB! How's it going!!" A young boy rushed into the room. A pink colored princess sighed as she rubbed her temples. 

"Finn, this isn't good nor the time right now." She told the excited boy, in return, he pouted and crossed his arms. 

"Come on, it can't be that bad." He was incredibly wrong. 

She shook her head. "Finn, there was a village that was attacked last night." She started to explain, but the boy interrupted her. 

"ATTACK!? I have to go help!!" He yelled. 

"No! Finn, it's already happened." She sighed as she started again. "This letter was giving to me from the last survivor. Sadly, he is no longer alive." There wasn't anything that the two could really do about the village being attacked. 

"Well, I could go and defeat the people who did it." 

The princess sighed, again. "That's the problem. It's a group of warriors. You won't be able to defeat them so easily." The princess told him, trying to convince him to not go and try and defeat the group. 

The boy frowned. "But PB, I have to do something to help!" Finn yelled out as he wanted to do something. The princess sighed as she walked to a bookshelf. She bent down and pulled a book out from the bottom shelf. 

"This group of warriors is a long line of minotaurs, so they won't easily be defeated." The princess showed the cover to Finn. The artwork on the cover showed large bull humanoid figures with giant axes, running towards the reader. 

"Pffft, they're just minotaurs. They aren't that bad and scary." Finn stated as he's been around a minotaur before. 

The princess shook her head. "No, they specifically train for massacring and raiding villages. They aren't your typical minotaurs." Finn frowned. "Though, I don't think this book is very accurate with its information. Seeing as it was written ages ago. And it just has information about their attacks. Nothing about them in general." She explained. "I want to understand why they do what they do." The princess was starting to think. 

"Well, I can help. I could just ask them! I'll ask any question you need me to!" Finn exclaimed. The princess felt like there wasn't any way for him to get uninvolved.

"Alright. I'll discuss a plan. Let's go." The princess started to get ready for going with the human boy. 


"The scent is getting stronger." A yellow dog had whispered to the boy and princess who rode him. Light, from a campfire, lit the dim forest surrounding it. 

"Good, maybe we can try and talk to them." The princess jumped off the dog's back and ducked under the bushes. The dog and Finn followed her lead. They could see several minotaurs sitting down on the ground. There was a smaller one with its back to them. 

"Haha! You were really good out there!" One of the bigger minotaurs yelled out as he patted the smaller one's back. 

"Did you see how they moved swiftly through that crowd!!" Another minotaur yelled out. "They saved my ass with that attack!" 

"They sure know how to use that axe pretty well!!" The minotaurs busted out laughing. They seemed to be having a good time remembering what they did. "Say, Prime." The minotaur paused. 

The trio looked at each to other to make sure the others heard what they heard. There wasn't just a leader, but a prime with them.

"You sure it was a good idea to spare those guys?" One asked softly. The smaller one nodded.

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