𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 🌷

590 44 19


He's disturbed , greatly - staring at the ticking clock for half an hour now , changing his positions severally on the couch to get comfortable but he isn't , riled up with impatience  , he can't help but think of him " where are you taehyung? Should be home by now " a pout resting on his lips ,  itching to see taehyung , its all he thinks about lately , him.

He knows taehyung is cuddled up with assignments and projects , perhaps what has him this disturbed is not from the fact that he's missing tae , but from the fact that he knows taehyung is not alone but rather with his new made friend , he scoffs in his loneliness , imagining what moves micheal is probably making on tae , perhaps making him to giggle , with a huff he slouches back on the couch , the echoing silence disrupting his calm once more.

He remembers the boy's slick brown hair , how he kept staring fondly at his taehyung , every sense in him itching to claw out his eyes but he stays put , keeping his cool , knowing for a fact that taehyung isn't actually his to begin with.

All these thoughts running through his mind as he stares into space , tapping his fingers in anticipation on the couch until the ringing of the doorbell brings him back to reality.

Startled with excitement ,  hoping its taehyung as he's not expecting any other visitors" Tae you're.. " he pauses mid sentence as soon as he opens the door , his smile dropping down to a poker face as its Jennie who's at the door.

" wow! can't belief you're that disappointed to see me instead of your fag of a roommate! " She says with spite , smirking as she walks in.

Plopping on one of the couch , crossing her legs , her short mini skirt riled up , revealing her thighs , scanning the dorm room , lowkey thankful that the twink isn't around , dirty games in her head waiting to be played.

" you do realize that calling him a fag is calling me a fag as well cause I'm gay right?" He says , closing the door.

Walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water for himself , also not wanting to be breathing the same air as she is right now , heart clenching as he did expect taehyung , wanting to pull him into a bone crushing hug and caress his lithe frame.

" No no no sweetie , you're not gay , you think you are , I don't know what's pressuring you into thinking that or what your pest of a roommate has done but I'm here to help you" she persuades , getting off the couch towards jungkook .

" just like back in the days , our never ending passionate nights of rounds of sex " she adds to which jungkook clearly remembers and regrets a lot , cause most of it was just him pretending to be into it and lying that he orgasmed when in fact he didn't.

Even if he did cum , it was him having to imagine himself fucking into anything that was not her .

He sighs , heading to the couch with jennie clinging unto him.

" what is the main reason for you being here" he finally decides to give her a piece of his mind.

" what kind of question is that? I'm here to be with you , to fix what he have". She pouts , climbing unto his laps as she starts to suck on jungkook's neck.

" Had Jennie! not have , now please get off me , I'm very uncomfortable " he begs trying to get her off him , but just then the dorm door opens .

Taehyung's head poking in , mouth agape at the sight of jennie halfway on jungkook's lap , the position very awkward , the calls of his name tuned off with the alarms going off in his head , gripping the door handle as his eyes brim with tears , not sparing jungkook a chance who is rushing towards the door.

" oh uhm , sorry for interrupting " he hastily says , closing the door and heading to jimin's room , not liking the sight he was just met with.

" Fuck! tae no wait!" Jungkook yells for tae's attention shooting up from the couch , jennie having a smirk on her face knowing she just stirred up some drama between the two , hopefully the hole is big enough for her to fit in .

" Just fucking leave Jennie! please " jungkook begs as she scoffs , giving him a death glare  , grabbing her purse to leave z  not before blowing jungkook a kiss.


Jimin was absolutely bummed , book previously in his hold thrown across the room in an instant as soon as a hot headed , fuming tae stormed  Into his room , rushing towards him as he looks out of his mind.

" tae sweetie , breathe~ , you'll be alright , what's going on " worry in his gaze , taking tae's coat and bag off him , pushing him to sit on his bed , holding his hands.

" oh chim , i hate her , i hate her like how i used to hate waking up to my misery , it burns every where , chim in hurts , the sight i can't get out of my head! Who is she? another tormentor? "

" I haven't being in love with jungkook for years to finally have him in my hands and only for that egoistic bitch to try and take him from me! " he yells pulling on his hair , orbs shaky with slow pants emitting his lips.

" tae baby ? calm~ let's reason , I know you love him and you guys have been sexual , but you still aren't certain he wants to further anything with you , think of it , jennie was his first , it'd be normal if...

" don't fucking finish that statement jimin! you think I don't fucking know that , even if I die making him mine , I fucking will?  " his tone vile , meaning every word , eyes red in rage , jimin looking away knowing taehyung is gone too deep.

" Look tae , we promised a normal school year okay? I don't want you getting hurt " voice soft , pulling taehyung in for a warm hug , rubbing down on his back , unknown to him a creepy smile etched on tae's lips , his madness swallowing him whole.

Taehyung is not letting it fucking go , he's gonna get rid of everyone in his way if he has too , he smiles feeling his storm raging on the inside , jimin puzzled as he faces taehyung , seeing him smile and calm other than his previous state.


" oh good...you're "

Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence as taehyung walks past him , getting into their bedroom with jungkook following behind him .

Teasingly stripping off his clothes , his wavy  hair bouncing as jungkook stares at him in all his naked beautiful glory , admiring his sun kissed skin , the need to paint all of him in love bites only growing stronger with each second that passes , mindlessly popping a boner from his lustful gaze.

Very aware of the hold he has on jungkook , turning to face him , the red blush on jungkook's cheeks plus the way he sucks a sharp breath in from being caught , all noticed by tae , their proximity intense now , taehyung placing his palm on jungkook's exposed chest .

" I'm gonna take a shower , would love if you'd join me " tae seductively slurs , jungkook's eyes on his lips  , mind in a haze from how beautiful taehyung is up close , eyes raking over his curves , itching to grab.

" Yeah , I'll join you" he responds , leaning in to kiss tae but taehyung pulls away abruptly , heading for the bathroom , making sure to leave the door wide open.


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