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After explaining everything to the police officer he informed us that things should go further this time and that they'll bring in Piper and James
As I left the room to go back into the waiting area I see James and Piper already sat there

We all noticed each other at the same time and they both were very shocked to see me here
There wasn't many seats available to sit in so Shelby and I had taken one a few seats down from James and Piper

Piper was the first one to go in to the room I was just in and after a little while of her being in there, I notice James kept looking over
One of the times I met his gaze and gave him a little smile which he returned

I couldn't help but beat myself up over this, if I had known Beth Amanda and Maisie would of kept up the abuse I would never of broken up with James
At least when we were together I was the one getting the worst of it

When I was deep in thought I hadn't noticed James was now called into the room and Piper had taken a seat right next to me
"Hey Ri" Piper whispers "Hey Piper" I whisper back
"I'm so sorry if I had known this would happen I wouldn't-" I started to say before Piper cut me off
"What are you on about Riley?" Piper asks with furrowed brows, I'm guessing James never told her the full story

"James isn't aware of the full story either so I need to tell him but the day I broke up with James I had met up with Beth Amanda and Maisie. They told me that if I broke up with James the abuse would end and I only found out early today that it wasn't the case and I'm truly sorry Piper" I explain causing Pipers eyes widen

"It all makes sense now Riley" Piper says putting her arms around me "You should of just explained it to James or even me back along, we could of figured it all out together" Piper continued
"I know I should of and I'm so sorry that I didn't, the abuse stopped for me so I just assumed it did for everyone.. I just can't believe they wouldn't stick to their word" I say in disbelief

"Riley you weren't to know" James said walking over to us "You left everything so how would you know it carried on for us" James continues
"I'm sorry James, I should of told you both the truth and we could of fixed it together" I say putting my head in my hands

"You didn't know the Riley" Shelby says "You need to stop beating yourself up for something that was out of your control" James says causing Shelby and Piper to nod their heads in agreement

The police officer came back out and thanked us for our time and that they'll be in contact with any further information
They also said that this should be taken further since we all have significant evidence to support everything we've said

"James can we please go somewhere and talk?" I ask timidly "Of course we can Ri" James says with a smile on his face
"How about we go to Parkour Alley?" James asks
"The spot right by the tree?" I say with a smile
"That's exactly where I want to go, especially with you" James explains causing me to blush

Maybe after this talk we could try again, it seems like James hasn't given up on me just yet
It makes me extremely hopeful

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