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School the next day was not something I looked forward to
I love school, I always have but then I moved and I lost ever close to me, I was flying solo and I didn't have a single person to depend on
That was not a good idea

"ooo looks like we have some new meat" Someone said making me raise my head to look over to where the voice came from only to see a brunette stood next to the one and only James. He took one look at me before rolling his eyes
"Don't even bother bud, she is so not worth that" He growled making me furrow my brows at him

I had no idea what that comment meant or what the intention was but it was a completely new side of James. That was not the same James who helped me out last night. That is for sure

As I walked into English I couldn't help but notice only a couple students here, these were the type of kids I would easily talk to
"You must be Riley I'm Miss Anderson" The teacher said and with a slight nod she turned her attention to red head in front of the pair of us

"Riley this is Maisie, shes in all of your classes so she'll be the perfect welcome buddy for you" Miss Anderson smiled making me turn to Maisie who had a soft smile on her face
"Nice to meet you" She said grabbing my hand guiding me to the back of the room
"If you know whats best for you, always sit at the back" she warned me and with a quick nod. I was okay with that

Class was meant to begin 5 minutes ago but there was still one empty seat, Miss Anderson sighed looking up at the clock before rising to her feet
"Right class let's get.. started" She said slowly down slightly as the door to her English room opened revealing James once again but this time, you could see the glimpse of Beth behind him

Clearly they were up to something causing their tardiness

It was one thing hearing those snide comments earlier now looks like I have to put up with him in my lessons too

James walks towards the back of the room just in front of Maisie and I. His gaze was not on the front of the room, as soon as he sat down his body shifted in turn to glance at me
The moment I caught the gaze, he offered a sweet smile, the same one from last night.
But after the comment this morning, this change in behaviour is just more and more confusing, more of a headache then it's worth

I turn back towards the front causing a sigh to escape my lips, the moment it does there is a soft tug on my jumper making me look over to Maisie
"I see you already know James?" She asked before letting out a sigh
"I hope there is nothing going on there. Your too much of a sweet girl to get muddled up with him" She warned making me nod

"Trust me, I'm not" I said giving her a smile before turning back to the front


Lunch soon rolled around and Miss Anderson was right, Maisie in fact in all of my lessons or at least the ones I've had with her so far
James on the other hand has only been in a select few, mainly the core subjects
"Right, I have two girls I want you to meet" Maisie gushed grabbing my hand pulling me into the canteen

"This place is a literal zoo!" I groaned making Maisie laugh
"Yeah it is but you'll get used to it" She chuckled pulling me towards a table
"That on the other hand. There is no getting used to that" She said rolling her eyes in the direction of Beth and James

James sat on the table while Beth sat on the chair in front of him, her hands trailing all over him while James was paying more attention to the skinny blonde walking directly past the two

"Seems like he likes having his hands in more then one bucket" I said and Maisie hummed in response
"You can say that again" She said before we finally got to her table

As soon as we got there I was greeted with the sweet smile of two girl sat their eating their lunch
"Girls this is Riley, Riley this is Sasha and Shannon" Maisie smiled
"These girls will be your safe haven in this place. They know everything and anything you need to know" Maisie gushed making me smile in their direction

"It's nice to meet you guys" I said making them nod
"Oh we finally have a face to the name" Sasha said making me look at them confused
"James and Beth have been talking about you to anyone who could listen" Shannon continued making me glance over my shoulder

Beth was still looking at James with her hands all over him while James was smirking in my direction looking me up and down just like he first had the first time I met him

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