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Driving into school this morning felt really weird without Riley being in the passenger seat, after I dropped her off at hers last night Riley told me she was going to get a lift in off her Dad.

I know that Riley's upset with me, I could tell within a second of the words leaving my lips last night. The expression on her face said it all and I know I should of apologised there and then however our only escape from all the drama is Parkour Alley and Riley tried bringing it up like she always does.

I also don't believe Amanda and Maisie would do those things, I was with Beth I know who her friends are and neither of them are her friend.

I think Riley is just being paranoid.

The lessons I had this morning I didn't have any with Riley so when the bell rang for lunch I decided it was best to go and look for her. I went straight to the cafeteria to see Riley, Maisie, Sasha and Shannon sat in their usual spot but before I can even get to the table Beth arrives grabbing Riley by the hand dragging her off somewhere.

"Uhm why has Riley gone with Beth?" I ask once I'm close enough to the girls "If you listened to Riley you'd know that Bath is trying to be friends with her" Shannon scoffs not even looking up from her meal.

"Well do you know where they've gone?" I question "No we don't" Shannon scoffs again making me turn back around I clearly wasn't wanted.

I search every corridor I think they'll be and every time I'm proven wrong by this point the only places I didn't check was the girls bathroom but for obvious reasons I can't go in there. The bell ringing for last period is what stops me from searching any longer but thankfully this lesson I share with Riley.

I take a seat in my usual seat which was is the desk in front of Maisie and Riley hoping I manage to speak to Riley before the teacher arrives. I watch closely as everyone walks in and takes their seat but Riley and Maisie never walk through the doorway.

In fact Riley and Maisie don't even turn up to this lesson at all.. I have no idea what Beth said to Riley but it must of been something bad for her to leave school early.

After school I head straight to Riley's house in hopes she's there. I see Patrick's car parked in the driveway as I pull in so even if Riley isn't here hopefully he's able to tell me where I can find her.

I knock at the front door and as the door opens it reveals Patrick but as I open my mouth to talk Patrick stops me by saying "What are you doing here?" In a stern voice leaving me confused "Is Riley home?" I calmly ask hoping Patrick's just had a stressful day

"You really think Riley's going to talk to you after what you've done?" Patrick's spits his whole face shifting with anger "Wait what have I done?" I ask causing Patrick to laugh "Oh you didn't think Riley would find out, I see how it is" before closing the door in my face.

I give Riley a text before heading to mine, as I walk upstairs to my bedroom my phone goes off letting me know I've got a text which was from Riley but what it said left me even more confused.

Riley~ "why would you do that to me?"

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