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When Riley said those words to me I could feel my heart shatter into a million different pieces, I never intended on hurting Riley and that all I've gone and done. I suppose I deserve this to be honest.

I've lost the one girl who's stood by me with absolutely everything and only I'm to blame. I completely understand why Riley has broken up with me but that doesn't stop me from wishing things were different.

Miss Kate has asked us to go into The Next Step this evening so she can tell us what our routines are going to be for nationals. If it wasn't something important then I wouldn't of bothered going, the last thing I needed was to be around people especially ones while last a bunch of questions.

I arrived a little so when I walked into Studio A everyone was already there, I go and stand next to Eldon and West and give my full attention to Miss Kate or at least I try too. I couldn't help but notice Riley sat on the bench next to Amanda.

"What's happened?" West whispers giving my arm a little nudge "Riley broke up with me" I confess, I haven't told either of them anything that's been going on so it came unexpectedly to them. "Wait why?" Eldon questions "I'll tell you later, I don't wanna do this here" I say making them both nod.

"Since everybody is here now I will begin" Miss Kate begins "For the groups it'll be Thalia, Stephanie, Riley and Michelle,
the other group will be Max, Noah, James and Eldon
there is also going to be 6 person routine so for that it'll be James, Michelle, Giselle, West, Eldon and Riley
And the duet will be James and Riley again and lastly the solos are Michelle and Thalia" Miss Kate informs us.

I knew Riley and I would be picked for the duet but I have no idea if that's a good idea, I don't think we'll be able to perform with the same connection as we have before. As I look up from the floor I realise Riley is in Miss Kates office looking like they're in a heated conversation, it's pretty obvious what they're talking about.

I couldn't stay in Studio A for long it was all getting too much, I was getting asked questions left right and centre and with Riley in the office it made the others even more concerned. I didn't go anywhere special just to my house, my parents were out so i had the house to myself which was exactly what I needed.

My thoughts getting worse as each second goes by, I have no idea how I'll even get Riley to practice a routine with me when she can't stand the sight of me. Maybe if we do this duet I'll be able to get Riley to listen to me and hopefully give me another chance. I know it's a long shot but the only girl I want is Riley so maybe it's a good thing Miss Kate has paired us up again.

I convince myself it'll be best to not go to school for the next few days, I wouldn't be able to focus in any lessons that I have with Riley. It was all still so raw to see Riley so soon after her breaking up with me.

With Beth being the one who told Riley it means that the whole school will most likely know what's going on and I can't deal with all of that again. It was bad enough when I called the deal off with Beth and I have the feeling that this time around it'll be so much worse.

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