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(1 month later)

I've pretty much gotten over what James did to me, I'm able to focus in school again and I'm back to my normal self. The same can't be said for James though, he barely turns up to school or The Next Step and when he does we don't practice our duet.

For that matter James doesn't even look in my direction. I was prepared to be civil with him for the sake of nationals however James can't even bring himself to do that. The way James is acting is how he did when he was with Beth.

Beth has actually been quite nice to me, theres no rumours and no spiteful comments made either. Beth always stops if our paths cross and we always have a really friendly conversation. Despite everything Beth has done in the past I honestly feel like she's a better person now.

Maisie, Sasha, Shannon and I are all sat in our usual spot in the canteen gossiping about the latest tv shows. I look up to see Beth making a bee line for our table with a unreadable look on her face.

"Hey girls have you heard the most recent news?" Beth says quickly making us all look at each other confused "What news?" Sasha questions "Basically James has finally turned back up at school with this new girl, a brunette" Beth softly says looking directly at me. In fact all off the girl are now looking at me, worried expressions on each of their faces.

"I knew James moved quick but not this fast" I playfully say "Riley are you okay though?" Shannon asks making me shake my head "No of course not, I broke up with him a month ago and he's already moved on as if I was nothing. The boy clearly has a type tho, new girls who are brunettes" I say making the girls nod their heads and laugh "Does this new girl have a name?" Sasha questions causing Beth to nod her head.

"Yeah her name is Shelby, I heard she's a lovely girl so I really hope James doesn't mess her up like you and me" Beth confesses but before any of us could speak the cafeteria doors swing open with a loud bang. James and Shelby walk in with James' arm around her shoulders, James looks around the room before his eyes land on mine and as they do he starts to smirk.

This isn't the James I knew and loved, I don't know why he's changed so much over something that he's done himself but if there was any chance of us getting back together, that is now long gone.

I notice people staring between James and I trying to see my reaction to it all but I simply ignore them, I've ignored James for weeks now and I can easily do that again. I go back to eating and gossiping with my friends and in my lessons I focus on my work.

I'm one of the students that are top of the class in almost all of my lessons and James isn't ruining all the hard work I've put in.

I walk into The Next Step with Michelle and surprisingly James is already here with Shelby in his arms once again. Michelle furrows her eyebrows pointing in their direction to which I just shake my head, it isn't worth my breath.

We all practice our routines apart from the duet but that's not a surprise. Miss Kate walks on and James runs over to her to have a quick word before getting Shelby to join his side. Before anyone can question what he's doing they're performing one of our old duets.

"I guess I've been replaced for the duet then" I mutter quietly to the other members in the team, each and every one of them agreeing.

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