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After Beth had spoken to me, I couldn't pretend I was okay anymore. I told Maisie everything and Maisie decided it was best for us to go back to mine and be away from everyone.

I obviously told my Dad what I had seen so he wouldn't be mad we left school early and to be honest I think my Dad is more angry then I am.

I'm still in shock to what I had seen on Beths' phone and I'm annoyed at myself for not seeing the signs for myself but as I look back on my time with James I slowly start to figure out all the red flags I missed.

The entire time Maisie's been here she's not bought James up once, we've been talking about The Next Step and watching our favourite movies. I honestly don't think Maisie was the one to tell Beth my school schedule, if that was the case then Maisie wouldn't be here helping me.

Maisie had told Shannon and Sasha what was going on and they were going to come with us however they both had an exam that would go towards their final grade so they couldn't miss it. They did say that after school they'll come over to mine and thankfully they stuck to their word.

All their efforts to distract me was working that was up until James sent me a text.

James~ "what's going on Ri?"

"Did he really think I'd never find out?" I scoff gaining everyone's attention "James just asked what's going on" I continue making them all roll their eyes at the mention of his name I answer his text to let him know I'm aware of everything he's done.

My phone goes off before I can even place it back down and of course is was from James "What's he saying now Ri?" Sasha asks with concern written all over her face

James~ "what did I do? I don't know what you're on about"
Riley~  "I've been shown what you've been doing behind my back James"
James~ "What are you on about?"
Riley~ "I know that you've been cheating on me James please leave me alone"

I sigh as I finish reading out our conversation to the girls and then I turn my phone off, the last thing I want is to see James' name come up on my phone.

"What's the plan for food?" Shannon asks making Maisie chuckle before saying "I swear all you think about is food" causing all of us to laugh "It's not my fault, there's good food about" Shannon says shrugging her shoulders

"Knowing you, you've already got a place in mind" I say playfully gaining a smile from Shannon "Well you do know me well and I really wanna have TacoBell" Shannon explains making all of us agree making Shannon do a little dance with excitement.

This afternoon has been exactly what I needed and I couldn't be more thankful for the 3 girls who's been by my side. If it wasn't for them I would be completely lost in my thoughts and that wouldn't be good for me at all.

When the girls went home I convinced my Dad to let me have the rest of the week off school and without hesitation he agreed. Miss Kate hasn't asked any of us to be in for the rest of the week meaning I can avoid James at all costs and I couldn't be happier about that.

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