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I carry on with perfecting my routines whilst I do my best to ignore James and Shelby laughing obnoxiously in the corner. Shelby hasn't made any effort to talk to any of the others on the team either and to be honest I don't think James has spoken to anyone else.

After finishing the group routine I grab some water from my locker "Riley" a voice calls, I turn around to see Miss Kate signalling me to go into her office. "Can you explain what's going on with James?" Miss Kate asks

"Basically we broke up right before you told everyone who was doing what for nationals, I was prepared to be civil with James for the sake of our duet however he wouldn't practice with me.
He wouldn't even look in my direction and it was the same in school, he's barely shown up and today he turned with Shelby doing one of our old dance routines" I blurt out "Why did you guys break up? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Miss Kate asks softly

"I was shown proof of him cheating on me with another girl, it was right before he asked me out and I couldn't look past what he had done so I ended it with him" I confess, Miss Kate now offering me a sympathetic smile. "Okay what I'm going to do for your sake is take the duet away and give it to Shelby, I'm sure you don't really want to be around James anymore then you need to be" Miss Kate said making me laugh and nod my head.

I walk out of Miss Kate's office with a small smile on my face, it felt like a weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad I told Miss Kate what was actually happening.

As I gather my things to get ready to leave I notice James staring at me not listening to Shelby at all, I only glacé quickly but it seemed James was looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I'm not entirely sure why he would be looking at me that way, he's made his bed now he has to lay in it.

I wasn't the only one who caught James looking at me the way he did, Shelby followed his gaze meeting mine and I'm pretty sure once I left the studio she asked James a million questions. Knowing James he might not tell Shelby the whole truth which is what she deserves.

My Dad picked me up and as we were about to pull out of the car park we both saw James and Shelby walking out, Shelby didn't look happy at all and James looked exhausted. My Dad questioned me about what was going on so I explained it all to him making his hatred towards James grow that bit more.

If I had known this was how it was going to end between James and I, I would of listened to Maisie's warnings to me. I often think back and wish I had ignored James all together.

I've tried so hard to put a front on in front of everyone else and pretend that this doesn't hurt me but it does, everything was still so raw and now he's rubbing someone else in my face.

If nationals wasn't on the horizon then I would of left this town shortly after the breakup but my loyalty to the team is something that I can't break.

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