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It was my first day back at school today and it was certainly something I will remember
After Beth and Amanda attacked me in the bathroom I went straight home, I told nobody what had happened and Dad was at work until late tonight so I knew I wouldn't have to tell him either

I never thought in a million years Amanda would go to our school let alone her and Beth acting this way towards me
Especially so shortly after they were in prison

I already know that it was because I wanted to take things further but I couldn't since they found little evidence
The other reason being I'm still okay with James, I just hope that these beatings stop

After school James came round to see where I had got too, the look on his face when his eyes saw me was something I never wanted to see
I explained everything to him while he listened and processed every word I had to say

Once I finished explaining what Beth and Amanda had done James helped me with the wounds
James cared for me the entire afternoon until every single cut was cleaned and covered properly while checking the rest of my body taking photos so we could document everything that's been going on

My dad gets home shortly after so James goes down to explain what's been going on and they both decide it's best I don't go to school tomorrow so I can rest
Dad gets me my favourite takeaway and doesn't ask me any questions when I finally show my face since the last thing I needed was to be bombarded with a million questions

Waking up this morning I felt a lot worse then I did yesterday, my body is in complete agony and it's incredibly difficult to move
Dad thankfully had a day off work today so he's been able to help me move about the house

When school had finished James came straight over, he walked in to find dad and I sat in the front room
Placing his bags down against one of the walls he lets out a sigh

"Is everything okay?" I ask him "Yeah I'm fine" James replies "You don't have to pretend James" I tell him
It's very obvious something has happened, James isn't his usual bubbly self
"Basically since you wasn't in school today, Beth Amanda and Maisie made me the target" James starts "They've been putting things in my locker so it'll fall over me, leaving notes and pouring stuff in my locker to ruin my books too" James continues

"Did you get photos of everything?" Dad asks making James nod his head "Once we've got enough evidence to build a case we'll take thIs further" Dad continues
I slowly make my way over to where James is sat and luckily it wasn't far for me to walk, sitting down on his lap before giving him a kiss

"If I had gone to school today none of this would of happened to you" I mutter only getting angry at myself
"No Ri don't think like that, I was going to be made a target sooner or later.. I'm just glad they left you alone" James softly explains

To be honest James was right they would of gone after him at some point
I just wish this wasn't happening, what have we done to deserve all of this?

"I want to go school tomorrow" I loudly say breaking the silence "No you can't go" Dad and James both say at the same time
"Cmon guys the amount of time off I've had is stupid, I had time off when I got kidnapped, I had time off when James and I broke up and now because of these pathetic immature girls
I've worked so hard at getting my grades to where they are and I'm not ruining that" I shout making them both slowly agree to the idea

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