sleep deprived

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"You sure you don't wanna reschedule?"

"Of," your yawn interrupted. "Course not. I'm good
Miles, I pinkie cross promise my heart to fly, and all that
jazz." you finished with a lazy smile adorned on your face.

"That didn't make any sense, but okay."

Miles went right back to getting his art supplies ready while you sat on his couch, barely awake. It was finally winter break and the weekend on top of that. The dreaded finals week was over, and you both planned on having some sort of celebration once it was over.

To others, you're just painting the abandoned subway again, but to you guys, it was something special. It was special to Miles because it was the same place his Uncle Aaron showed him, and it was something that allowed him to spend more time with you.

But he's not sure if it's a good idea to do this tonight, not anymore at least. With finals week came studying, and studying came with less sleep, and less sleep is the result of... the state that you're in now.

A literal walking zombie.

He was tired too, but he was already used to it you know, being your friendly neighborhood Spiderman and all, and he managed to get some hours back by falling asleep in study hall. He couldn't say the same for you, unfortunately.

You're smart, super smart, like more than Dexter's Laboratory smart, so he doesn't understand why you feel like you have to live, eat, and breathe a textbook every night cutting into your sleep schedule.

You don't even need your grades to tell you that, to make you feel validated, but you still had your head stuck deep into a textbook, no matter the subject.

He can't count the number of times he's had to drag or convince you to leave your room.

Miles zipped his bag closed and turned to throw on his
hoodie, "Ight Y/N, you read—" But was stopped in his tracks when he saw you using his hoodie as a makeshift pillow, mumbling something incoherently into it eyes closed.

He wasn't even mad at it honestly, but my goodness did you look adorable curling up against it. He felt the tip of his ears burning, unable to stop the goofy smile spreading ear to ear.

He knew that you would have ended up falling asleep eventually, and it's not like the subway was going anywhere anytime soon.

When Miles plopped down next to you, you started to stir. But when you sunk into him and let out a dreamy sigh, he thought his heart would give out on him. "Let's get you to bed, okay?"

You were still mumbling but he could hear you clearly now. "Nooo... I can't leave you hanging," you said fighting sleep.

"I'm not going anywhere Y/N, I'm still here."

And he always will be. He could just carry you to his bed, it wouldn't be the first time you fell asleep in it, to be honest, he didn't want to walk you home if you could barely keep your eyes peeled and he didn't want you to leave yet either even if it was just holding you for the rest of the night.

"But we still have to pray spaint the tracks-" you said your words jumbled and not making any sense whatsoever. Miles rolled his eyes there was no way you were walking out that door.

"Yeah, let's get you to bed." He lifted you and started to carry you into his room, pushing aside some of his sketches that were scattered on his floor. "Don't step on them like that...if you don't want them let me have it. I love all of your pieces...not as much as I love you tho."

You murmured as Miles placed you on the bed, bringing his
covers over you. As soon as your head touched the pillow, you were on the brink of passing out, still clutching his hoodie in your hands.

If you weren't sleeping, Miles would have probably ended up on his ceiling with how high he jumped, he had to catch himself when his fist hit the ceiling.

This was a total win in his book, the best thing that could ever happen right now, but he'll just wait to celebrate when
he's not risking waking you up as soon as he closes the door.

He hopes that this isn't a one-time thing, and he hopes that one day you can wake up in his arms. Hopefully soon, but he's fine taking his time. "I know Y/N, and I love you too."

Okay, maybe it was a good idea that you guys didn't go out tonight. He took one last glance at you and went to close his door, ready to crash on the couch for the night— "Haha no you silly spider, you're not Spiderman...Miles is." Never mind, it was definitely a great idea that you stayed it.

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