drunken honesty

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Collapsing on your bed, you moved your arm to rest over your forehead. You were exhausted. The party you'd just gotten home from had completely drained you. You were moments away from falling asleep when your phone rang.

Groaning, you lazily reached across your bed for it. "Hello?" you murmured, answering without bothering to check the ID. The sound of pounding music and muffled chatter echoed through the speaker. "Hello?" you repeated.

"Y/N!" Sitting up, you quickly checked the caller, "Miles?" 

"Where are you?" His voice sounded slurred. "Are you drunk?" 

"No-maybe-that's not the point."

"Are you still at the party?" you questioned, checking the time. "Do you need to be picked up or something?"

"No," he denied. "I need to know-" he paused for a moment. "I need to know where you are."

"Why? What's wrong?" Miles muttered something incoherent under his breath.

"Just tell me where you are!"

"I'm at home," you told him, confusion filling your face. "What's wrong?"  He released a deep breath of relief, "When did you-when did you leave?"

"I don't know," you sighed. "Maybe half an hour ago?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I hadn't seen you for a while," you explained. "I didn't even know if you were still at the party. I thought maybe you'd left with someone."

He snorted, "As if I'd leave with any of these people," he muttered, trailing off into something you couldn't understand.

"Miles," you sighed, "you're drunk."


"Can we please just talk tomorrow?" you requested, rubbing your temple. "Are you safe?" he asked you, his voice turning serious.

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought something had happened to you, I was looking everywhere," he explained. "No one could tell me where you were and I-I was really worried and I just-" he fumbled on.

"Miles, calm down," you instructed. "Take a breath." You held back your laughter as he followed your instructions, the action being much more dramatic than necessary. "Now, why were you worried?"

"Because I couldn't find you! I was looking everywhere," he repeated. "I'm sorry you got so concerned," you told him. "I promise you I'm okay."

"You promise?" His tone was much softer now, his voice so quiet it was barely audible over the background noise. "I promise, Miles," you smiled. "How much have you had to drink?" you inquired. "Just a little bit."

"A little bit?" you repeated, lying back down and turning onto your side. "Are you sure?"

"Maybe-maybe a little bit more than a little bit," he replied.  "I take it you're still at the party?" you asked him, though you already knew the answer. "Mm-hmm."

"Did you need a lift home?" you offered. "I can come get you."

"No," he denied. "I'm crashing here tonight. A few of the others are too."

"Are you sure?" you asked, toying with your bedspread. "You sound like you're ready to go to bed," you told him honestly. "I don't think you'll be able to get any sleep there at the moment."

"I guess not," Miles agreed. "What are you doing?" you questioned, the background noise changing and becoming more muffled. "I'm going outside," he said. "There's a pool."

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