butterflies ☆

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Long chapter + Steamy.

You were found in Miles kitchen, cooking

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

You were found in Miles kitchen, cooking.

He looked at you in shock and confusion. Y/n? cooking? What compelled you to do that?

He sat down at the kitchen's island and watched your back from afar getting fully captivated he would never think in twenty years of knowing you that you would be in the kitchen cooking.

Not that you didn't know how, you were just somewhat of a lazy person.

"I hope you're hungry."

When you said that his eyes couldn't help but lock onto you.


"Do you want me to make a plate for you?" you said, smile dawning on your lips.


"What would you like?" Turning to him you set two options in front of him, but he only has one thing on his mind.


The words left his mouth so fast that you almost thought it was a slip up on his end. So, you pause, waiting for him to take it back or make some douche-bag remark to cover it up.

But he didn't ... he meant it.

And the smolder consuming his eyes tells you that he's more serious than ever.

"But that's not on the menu, huh?"

"Not for dinner, but maybe dessert."

"Okay. Then I'll just have the spaghetti you cooked."

You place a plate of spaghetti in front of him and you begin to dig into yours but you can't ignore the eyes that seem to be watching you the whole time.

"Aren't you going to eat? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"This feels real."

"What are you talking about?" you look at him in baffled confusion. He hesitates but then repeats himself. "This ... it feels real."

"It is real. Did you think I was going to serve you fake pasta?"

"No, I mean... it feels like we're real. Like we're a real couple." that got you to stop eating altogether.

You and Miles had a weird thing going on between you two. For the past four years, you've both chosen to ignore the blossoming feelings that seemed to consume your thoughts.

You didn't want to ruin the friendship.

But you just heard from Ganke that he had a big opportunity that came his way but he decided to stay here. For you.

"Miles...? Did you stay in new york for me?"


"Ganke told me you got an offer to move to Los Angeles to be a famous artist. But you turned it down ... to wait for me."

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