Recruited or not

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Noi's pov
"I don't understand, why wouldn't she want to join us?" I said.

"Maybe because the others polluted her brain with bad thoughts about us." Aphmau said.

"Obviously! They don't want her to even come near us. Now look at her, she hates us! I did tell her to not let others influence her decisions and thats excatly what shes done." I mentioned.

"Relax Noi why don't you just recruit her with the gem." Ein suggested.

"Seriously Ein...your a genius why didn't I think of that before." I said praising Ein for the brilliant idea.

I grabbed the gem and went into the dungeon.

Kitty's pov
I was thinking about if Kim and the others had made the potion yet when I heard the dungeon door open.

I looked at who it was and it was Noi, he also had the gem, I knew that if he had the gem he was going to recruit me.

I decided that when he trys to recruit me I would use my magic to turn my eyes red since I can't be recruited by the gem and I don't really want Noi to know that.

Noi sat down infront of me and lifted the gem so I can see it.

"Kitty I know you don't trust me right now but just look at the gem."

I looked at the gem and used magic to turn my eyes red without Noi knowing I used magic. Why did I do that? Well its because that is the only way to get out of this dungeon.

Noi then undid the chain that was attached to my ankle, got up and put his hand out for me to grab, which I did, so he could pull me up.

Now I would have to act like I was recruited by the gem, they act like themsevles just more evil anyway so I should be able to get the hang of it soon.

Noi smiled at me and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the dungeon together. Wait! He never held Aphmau and Ein's hands when they were walking together so why is he holding my hand and why isn't any of us talking.

"Kitty." Noi spoke up.

"Yeah." I said.

"I know that Zane, Kim and the others told you that we were evil but once you get to know us we're not that bad." Noi explained.

"Okay." I said.

Hope you enjoyed
Bye kittens

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