The Powers of the gem

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Kitty's pov
I was just chilling on Noi's kitchen counter eating a chocolate bar when Noi came and asked if I knew what powers the gem had I answered with a no.

"Then lets find out!"

"Wait wha-"

Before I could say anything, Noi grabbed my free hand and teleported us to a clearing in the forest.

"Okay now that we know teleporting is one of the powers maybe you could warn me before you do that."

"Sorry Kitten."

Me and Noi spent hours in that clearing finding out what his powers are. His powers are:

•Turning back into himself (he turns back into what he looked like before the gem)
•Recruiting people
•Fire, ice, earth, air, water, electric, manipulation, invisibility, mirage and dark magic
•Mind Control

Those new powers that he discovered had me worried for how we were going to beat him. I started to think of a way we could potentionally beat him, but my thoughts were interuppted when Noi handed me a flower. It was my favourite flower, a pink lily

I blushed at this and put the flower in my hair.

"Thanks Noi."

Noi's pov
After I handed Kitty the flower she said thank you. If I want to get her on my side for real then I'll have to be really nice to her. It can't be that hard cause she already likes me.

Kitty's pov
Does Noi know that I'm planning to betray him? No way he knows. But if he doesn't know then why is he making it harder for me to betray him.

Those things soon cleared my mind when Noi teleported me back to his house.

Before I went inside his house I kissed him on the check (for some reason), both me and him was blushing loads after that.

When I went in his house I decided to get more chocolate to eat, because I'm a chocolate addict. Noi followed me into the house.

"You know Kitty, eating to much chocolate isn't good for you."

"I don't care, if I want to eat it I'll eat it."

Before I could take another bite of the chocolate bar, Noi grabbed it out of my hand and ate the part where I bited into it.

I blushed when he done that because I knew that is where I took my last bite till Noi took it of me.

It was getting late so me and Noi went to bed.

Hope you enjoyed
Bye kittens

Ruby Red (+ me And @Krystal_GlitchGirl)Where stories live. Discover now