No plan (a reunion Birthday)

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Unlike the other chapters were I had atleast had a slight idea as for what to write, I'm going in with none this time and you'll see that while some chapters are questionable if I thought at all *caugh* vampireplants*caugh* this will show that it can be much worse or better.

(Yes I know his bday was a few days ago, I just thought of this as I was writing this thingy)


'Seriously?!' I thought as I hid in the closet. Of all days for someone to break in it had to be on my birthday. I could hear footsteps as the intruders searched the house.

My heart nearly leaped out of my chest as I heard footsteps walk by. Once I heard them pass I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly an vine was cutting through the wooden closet door, breaking it into splinters and reaching in to grab me.

Only, it wasn't a vine, it was a weird tongue. It was coming out of the intruder's stomach, but I couldn't bring myself to look them in their eyes.

I could feel the satisfaction radiate off of the being as they let out a weird growling-hissing noise, calling the other two beings into the room.

Tearing my head away from the floorboard I was looking at I was a pink haired person and a brunette walk into the room, both having to duck so they're heads wouldn't hit the doorframe. The brunette's necklace falling from they're shirt as they walked in.

The necklace looked familiar...

//'Wilby!' I cried, hugging my brother, 'please don't leave!'

'Don't worry Toms," Wilbur said, smiling. "I'll be back in a few weeks."

'But that'll be forever...' I frowned. Wilbur looked at me for a second with thought before pulling off one of his necklaces and pulling it over my head.

Looking at the necklace I was now wearing i gasped, "but Techie gave this to you!"
'I know, and now I'm giving it to you." He explained, "can you take good care of it while I'm away?"

'Ofcourse!" I smiled.//

The weeks turned into months that turned into years and he didn't come back. Not until today.

"No..." I say in horror as I look at the brunette creature.
"Oh Toms," They say as they kneeled down next to me, pulling me into a hug as the other creature lets me go. "I'm sorry it's been so long. But don't worry, all the time loft we can make up in no time."

I look at them confused, "what to you mean?"
Not giving an answer, Wilbur said "Happy Birthday Toms." Before biting down on my shoulder and everything went black.

(I take back what I said- this is way better than Plantpires, lol.
Anyways- if you I don't know I posted another DarkSBI book called: Run Little Rabbit (We're Playing Hide And Seek)
So if you like what's in this book you might like that too, if not then it's cool!)

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