The Murdur Closet

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Inspired by the Murdur Closet in a theater I preformed at-

I woke up and by brains chose to write a whole new prompt instead of finishing one of the three I started last night- :/

What the murder closet is is explained in the prompt, but it's basically a closet back stage witch isn't locked and just opens itself. It's a red door and randomly between shows some white paint got on the door, we didn't use any white paint- or any paint at all. I never went inside but I heard it's filled with blood, or paint. It opened during intermission and some other actors went inside and said it was filled with paint. The door opened by itself- Only one actor had preformed in that theater before and said three people died in the building-


Tommy doesn't like acting. To much pressure is put on you, you have to be someone else, and then you also have to sing. With all those people watching?! Nope. No way.

It's just not his thing. He likes Teching though. Helping out with the shows, being behind the scenes, and being able to see parts of the show, plus he gets paid!

One day during a show an actor comes up to him and tells him the murder closet was open. It was no bid deal, he would just go and close it.

The murder closet was a red door on the hallway between backstage left and right. People say there was three people that died in the building and that the murder closet was filled with blood. It's not locked, and opens by itself sometimes.

When Tommy went to close the door he noduced it was wide open. He looked inside and saw that it was covered in paint. He started to close the door when something pulled him inside and shut the door behind him.

Shadowy creatures slowly emerged from the corners of the room before pouncing on him. The last thing he saw was black.

SBI were trapped in this theater, each having died here in the past. Philza died during its construction, falling from its foundation. Techno died many years later when he was locked inside and rats attacked him for his food, since then it's become a rule not to eat food inside. Wilbur almost forty years later fell from the catwalk (a area above the stage) and landed on a sharp decoration on stage.

Now all three of them are haunting the building. They became each other's family and helped each other deal with their afterlife's, but they can't reach the underworld yet. They felt like something, someone, was missing.

They didn't know who until a group of people were doing a show there. Sure, people do shows there all the time, but there was something different about one of the techs, something that made them want him to join them, something was telling them that he was their final member, the one who could help them reach the afterlife.

The only way they could get him to join them though was to kill him. And the only place they found interact with mortals was inside the murder closet. Did anyone actually die in the closet? No one knows, but they could kill him inside of it.

They pushed the door open and startled some of the actors who went and told the techs about it. Their tech, the one who will join them, walked over to close the door to close it when the three of them pulled him inside, shutting the door behind the human.

They... took care of him... before waiting. They waited a bit before a young ghost joined them, the boy they had killed. An hour later they all faded and entered the underworld.

Kristen (I think that's her name?) has been the god of death since the beginning of time. She had a family with her throughout the decades and they where happy... until the god of life thought she was manipulating them and revived them, made them life new lives in the overworld. Away from each other... away from her...

She knew she wouldn't be able to reunite their family for a long time so she had a plan. She didn't let them enter the underworld until they all met, as ghosts or alive, she wanted her family to become a family again before she was able to meet them again and restore their memories.

And it worked. After hundreds of years her family's souls where allowed to re-enter the underworld and she restored their memories. The thousand years without them was a lonely, sad, time, but now she had her family back and she wasn't going to let them go again.

(Or- I make a prompt about a closet and it becomes not even related to a closet, and Momza.)

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