Birds of Prey

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Bird hybrids because I saw a humming bird-

There is likely inaccuracies for what birds eat what, so please excuse that-

Because I am unable to think of a different random thing to put at the beginning of this- here some random facts about me-!
I'm left handed
I'm vegetarian
haven't eaten JellyBeans since I've tried Bean Boozled
I have streaks of my hair dyed
Lastly, I'm allergic to Kiwi


Tommy is a duckling who lives with swans. Kinda like the ugly duckling, but opposite. The swans don't care for Tommy and use him as a distraction when there is a predator bird, or make him do most of the hunting.

One day the flock is attacked by a few birds of prey, a Hawk, an Eagle, and an owl. They kill almost everyone, leaving few survivors. Tommy thought he died- that he would die- but he didn't. They captured the duckling in exchange for keeping some of the flock alive.

Tommy was scared when one of the birds grabbed him with their talons and flew off. The duckling didn't know how to fly, so if he were to be dropped he wouldn't survive.

Tommy thought a lot during the flight. He thought about the swans who sacrificed him for their own safety. The birds who will probably kill him. He realized he'd rather die asleep then be awake when he was dropped, so he fell asleep.

The three birds were expecting to have a normal hunt. Kill a few extra birds to trade with other groups, the usual. They didn't expect to end up with a duckling that techno's voices liked among the swans.

So, to not scare the duckling they made a trade. One duckling for a few survivors. The swans quickly agreed and so Techno snatched up the duckling before flying, the voices not trusting the others not to hurt the small bird.

The trio of birds flew off to their nests techno focusing on not hurting the duckling, and the voices would yell at him if he held him even slightly too tight or loose, or doing anything else that might have hurt the duckling.

When they finally got to the next the duckling was asleep and Techno placed him in the nest to warm up while he slept.

The other two birds of prey flew back to get the carcuses of their prey, the third not wanting to leave the baby alone, even if it was at home the voices didn't trust him to be safe by himself.

When Tommy woke up he was terrified. He's trapped in a nest with one of the birds that attacked his flock's wing wrapped around him. He was scared to move, because if he did he might disturb them and get killed.

He struggled trying to get farther from them, he made a little progress, before the bird adjusted themself and pulled Tommy closer to them. He gave up at that point.

Tommy being a domestic duck, he couldn't fly (Credit to Google for telling me that when I googled if they couldn't fly), so he couldn't escape if he wanted to, being too high up to safely jump down. They both knew that, so Tommy couldn't try to escape and Techno could easily catch him if he tried.

Techno easily recognized what the duckling was and could tell that he wouldn't be able to fly earlier when he didn't fly away like the swans did (or tried to do) and just flapped his wings helplessly.

Tommy didn't know why he couldn't fly, just that he couldn't. He didn't think he was unable to fly, so he thought the falcon was lying when he was told he wouldn't ever be able to.

Tommy thought he could escape, but after hearing that he lost all hope. He couldn't fly and even if he could, it's not like the birds would teach him.

One day when the bigger birds where out hunting a bird attacked the nest. Tommy panicked and he fell from the nest. Again, he thought it would be his end, but he was caught. One of the birds that he'd been kidnapped by had saved him.

After that day he started trusting the birds. If they wanted him dead they would have just let him fall then, but they didn't.

Techno, Wilbur, and Philza had grown protective of the ducking and didn't want him to die. Ever since he fell from the nest they always had him in their sights and sometimes took him with them when hunting. It's not convenient, but it keeps their newest family member alive.

(Sorry if this didn't turn out that good, it was written over two weeks and it kinda just needed to be wrapped up and end)

(The characters could be hybrids, or just birds- it's up to you- though I think it was shown more as birds.)

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