Imaginary Friend

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You know what? Instead of having SBI as imaginary friends like in Closet/Silence, what if Tommy was being isolated by SBI so he can crave attention, when alone he gets an imaginary friend to keep him sane.

And that imaginary friend is going to be me- so you can make the friend whoever you want, you, tubbo, ranboo, y/n, whatever!

For me I'm going to have my personality and look like an OC I made to represent me awhile back-


Tommy was locked in a room. That's normal! It just meant he wasn't being a good brother, or that his family wanted to protect him. So he listened whenever they tell him to stay in the room.

He wasn't alone though, he had his friend! Cyso appeared a few weeks ago, a blue ghost-like person with seaweed colored hair and a few streaks of honey yellow hair. Their eyes are orange with grey pupils.

They were quiet at first, mostly staying to themself and talking to themself. They eventually started talking to Tommy and they quickly became friends.

Cyso was weird though, talking about thoughts and brains and other worlds. They would tell him stories, some with him as the main character, others with imaginary people.

Tommy's friend would disappear though, whenever his family comes by they disappear up to an hour before, and appear half an hour after he comes back. It was strange, with them just disappearing into thin air, but it's fine! It's normal, friends do that... right?

SBI were beginning to be worried. They leave Tommy alone for his own safety, so he would be a better brother/son, but they were worried.

Tommy had started talking about a friend of his, but it's impossible. He is alone and there's no entrance besides that one door, and the camera in the room shows him talking to no one, and only get half of a conversation, but they were jealous.

Tommy had an imaginary friend and they were jealous. He seemed to start growing an attachment to the thing and that's not acceptable. He can only have a relationship with them, and no one else. Then he's just going to like it more than them, and eventually they'll be replaced by something that's not even real!


They had to do something.

So, SBI had done research on imaginary friends, and it turns out their lost soles unable to enter the underworld. So, now they hang out in the overworld to try to help others and be able to enter the underworld.

So the soul was using their baby brother/son for its own selfish gain...

Unexpected, but they can work with it.

(A few ways this can go- I haven't done multiple endings in a while-)

Cyso dies. Permanently. Turns out SBI are immortal beings related to death. They tell the goddess what's happening with Tommy and she is on their side, not wanting lost souls to get involved with her family. Death uses her magic and the soul disappears, unable to do anything and is permanently dead forever. No afterlife, no reincarnation. Nope. Nothing.

The afterlife. They make it to Cyso can pass on into the afterlife and leave their Tommy alone. Cyso gets to reach peace and SBI get to keep their brother to themselves. Win, Win- and if Tommy is feeling sad about Cyso, they can always manipulate him into forgetting... it's not as if they haven't done that before...

Servant/Slave Cyso. SBI realize that taking Tommy's only friend away would hurt him mentally, so they have an idea. They use magic and make Cyso their Slave/Servant so they can keep track on Tommy and take care of him, while they don't risk the chance of Cyso replacing them, because they can't.

(You can add your own ending or change it however you want to fit the imaginary friend of your choice)

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