Blood and Camp

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Idea came when looking at the info for The Camp by Tommyinnit_disc on Ao3

In this it's Vampires, but you can easily swap it into a different creature


It was a normal day at camp. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, the campers were slowly being drained of their blood one by one- you know, the usual.

Tommy is starting to get scared. So many of the other campers are going missing and it's slowly going down to fewer and fewer campers, it's only a matter of time before he goes missing too. So he's trying to find a way to escape.

The hard part isn't finding the way out, but that the councilors follow him everywhere. It's not hard to see that he's the favorite camper, but it gets annoying when he wants to escape whatever's killing campers, or else there won't be any camp.

Wilbur's getting worried. Tommy, the camper that they all love and want to join their
family, is acting off. With so many campers disappearing, it's not surprising that people would be scared, but it seems like their Tommy is trying to escape.

He was the only camper they were going to let live- well... There's a few they might move to different camps run by other creatures who might like them, but Tommy was theirs.

They were planning to wait until Tommy was the last left, all alone and scared to turn him, but they had to speed up the process.

Turns out, the blond had decided to escape from the camp, and now him and techno were chasing the camper while Phil was... 'helping' the other campers. (You know- killing them, putting their blood in bags to save for later, the usual at the end of the summer)

Tommy was running- he was so scared and he finally got the chance to run- but whatever was taking the campers was following him, he just knew it- somewhere in the forest he was kicked down by someone and picked up. The thing didn't have any reaction to his kicking and hitting to let him go.

"Hey! Let me go!-" "quiet Theseus"

Tommy froze when the thing spoke- It was techno. The techno that would tell him stories, the techno who taught first are and helped him when he got hurt- Techno was one of the monsters. Does that mean.....

Tommy didn't want to think about the other possibilities as he was being brought back to camp. Gagging at the copper smell in the air. It was too late now... he was going to be killed like all the others were...

He felt numb and accepted his fate, ears ringing so he couldn't hear a thing that was going on. The feeling of fangs sliding into his neck and the pain of his blood being drank, along with the sting of something going into the two punctures caused him to pass out.

Other info:
Tommy is monster now
They can be other creatures, not just vampires
The camp moves around every summer and changes it's name so no one can track what's happening back to them

Tommy: My allegiance is to the republic- to democra-
SBI: hahahaha no- *turns tommy* not anymore
Tommy: D:

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