Angels and Demons

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Idea appeared when thinking about doing a Helluva Boss inspired prompt- this is what was made instead


It's been years since the war was over and the demons took over the heavens. The angels that survived the war where taken and where being sold off by the demons to be servants, or where bought to be family. All the sold angels turned into either fallen angels, or devils depending on their age, hight, wing span, etc.
Very few angels are left and those that are are in hiding. People call them 'lost angels' and there's a reward for finding them, the higher demons wanting to avoid a revolution.

Wait- nvm, prompt starts here:

Angel Tommy has been on the run since the war was over. He doesn't want to be captured and killed like was rumored my survivors to have happened to the captured ones.
He found a group he sticks with, until one day when Demons attack the camp he is in, most end up captured, Tommy included.
All the angel's wings were clipped before they were to be sold off, and the angels were drugged so they wouldn't try to attack.

Meanwhile- SBI have been looking for an Angel to adopt. Their friends who have adopted angels recommend getting newer caught ones, otherwise one they might want to adopt could have already been taken. So, when they heard a group of lost angels has just been captured they imminently go to check them out.

Fast forward an hour and they haven't found anyone they like. They where loosing hope of finding a brother/son- then they saw a boy with bright blond hair and baby blue eyes. They immediately buy him before anyone else can and get to take the Angel home.

When they get to take him they are given a few things: braces so he can't fly or glide, and a tracker so if he runs they can find him.

(I imagine wing braces being like a giant metal lock that goes around wings, but it's too tight for the wings to be useful, but not tight enough to hurt the one using them)

They take the Angel home (learned his name is Thesus, but goes by Tommy- ((plot convince))) and put him in the room they made for him.
(I think the room would have light blue or yellow walls, a bed with deep blue blankets and light blue sheets. A *locked* window, with a oak dresser below it. And a reeaaallyyy soft and fluffy light grey rug of carpet- but you can choose it to look like whatever you want it to)

When Tommy wakes he is still a little out of it-

I don't really have a plan for the rest of it after that- but Tommy would definitely try to run a few times before being dragged back. One of the times he would get attacked by demons who want to sell him, and SBI save him, making Tommy realize that they are high demons (like- you know Alister or Stolas from Hasben Hotel and Helluva boss-? That- they are that-)

You can have Tommy turn into a Fallen Angel or Devil- I like to imagine him as a Fallen Angel more then a Devil- but he would still be a adorable chaotic Devil

Angels, Demons, Fallen Angels and Devils:

Angels: has white, light grey, or light blue wings. Golden halo hands around their heads with a yellow-ish glow.

Demons: Demons have large black or red bat-like wings. Long tails with a triangular-ish point. Long and
sharp horns on their heads. Reeeeeaaaaaaalllyyyy Tall. (Imagine 8" at shortest)

Fallen Angels: their light colored wings are turned black/grey. Their halo's crack and turn into a red/grey with a black glow. Cannot fly, only glide for short periods of time (1-5 minutes). They are minors when turning into one, they are short (4"-6"). Weak.

Devils: no wings. Shorter horns then Demons, more pointy in a '*gets poked* ow... *poke* ow... *poke* ow...' way then a '*gets stabbed* AAAAHHHHGKHOPBOEKWN IM GOING TO DIEEEEEEE' way. Tail has a rounder heart shaped point. Hahaha- shorties- (same as Fallen Angels- 4"-6"). Weak.

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