Your Life

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So- I've seen a fanfics with Tommy leaving the dream smp for hermit craft- but what if he did that, then was invited to last life? What if SBI where invited too?


Tommy had been staying with the hermits for a year now and he liked it there. It took him a while to get used to respawning being limitless, but eventually he could handle dying knowing it won't be his final death.

One day he gets invited to another server some of the hermits are on called Last Life. Tommy was excited at first, before learning what it was like there. You were given a few lives and when you were out you couldn't come back.

It scared him, reminding him too much of his old surver. But the hermits didn't know about his past, so not to seem rude or worry them he accepted and joined the server. Just his luck, he got three lives.

Tommy was more cautious about dying, falling back on how he survived in his old surver. Even if he's not going to permanently die if he lost all his lives on this server, it reminded him too much of his past.

But Tommy didn't know that his family where also on the server.

SBI has been looking for Tommy for a year. Even if they didn't have the best relationship on the dream smp, they where still family and needed to stick together. But when they couldn't find their youngest member for months they panicked.

After a year though they were able to find their youngest brother/son. They were invited to a server called last life and were given a list of the other people who were joining. On the list was Tommy.

They were lucky and all got five or six lives. Perfect.

The three SBI slowly executed their plan to get Tommy back. They knew he didn't want them, he ghosted them for a year, but they wanted him and would do anything to get him back.

Tommy was on red life. He didn't know how it happened, but everything went to shit and now he's being cornered by some people and he's going to die.

But when the people had the chance to kill him they... didn't. He felt a cloth pushed up against his face before he went unconscious, still unknowing who the people where.

SBI couldn't believe it. They had their Tommy back, they finally had him back. They felt bad that he had to get hurt, but he's back with his family now and nothing can change that. 

They took him to a secret part of their base where he could be safe until they were ready to leave the surver. It was underground, but it looked like a normal house, and it was surrounded by obsidian. It had nothing inside that could get Tommy to escape, not again, never again.

They knew he could fight back, but he wouldn't want to risk losing his last life. Even if he killed them they could just come back, having many lives.

When Tommy woke up in a strange room he panicked. He looked arround but there was no exit or any way to know who trapped him. (At this point when writing a spider was crawling on my hoodie-) No clues, no exit, nothing to escape with. Great...

After a while someone walked into the room through a... door in the wall...? It was one of his old family members. They might be his family, but hes not part of that family any more. They made that clear in the DreamSMP and the Hermits are his new family.

His ex-family member was insane. Saying stuff about how they wanted to complete their family again and how they where worried about him.

...worried... like he'd believe that. Last he remembers he's been disowned and they didn't give a shit about him. He doesn't bleive a word they said.

But Tommy couldn't escape, even if he wanted to. He kissed his logout charm, the thing that allows people to change servers, so he can't leave the server unless someone else let him use theirs, wich isn't likely. And even if he ends up leaving the surver Philza is still his legal guardian and he would be found fast.

So now, he has to wait. Wait and find a way to escape.

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