How did this happen? (Match made in hell)

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Vampire Tommy gets adopted by demon SBI

This is one of the ideas I come up with at night when I should be trying to sleep and I just go with it


When people die and go to hell they get turned into an inhuman being depending on who they are. Most are Vampires, or Werewolves, the main difference between them besides species is that Werewolves are stronger then Vampires.

There are some that are the original people in hell, being its first inhabitants, that are stronger and more powerful then then the previously alive inhabitants. Those are Devils, Demons, and Fallen Angels.

Devils are the weakest of the three, but that doesn't mean they aren't powerful. They could easily kill a hundred used-to-be humans.

Demons are the second strongest, having wings is the only thing aperice wise that sets them apart from Devils. They could easily take over the earth if they were allowed in the overworld.

Fallen angels have the horns of a Demon and Devil and the color palette of them (blacks, reds, poison colors, and fire colors), but have giant black wings similar in style to angels but way bigger. They have a crack halo too. There are only a few of them and they could easily end all of humankind if they wanted. The only ones stronger than them are Satin and whoever the heck runs heaven, they don't really pay attention to Heaven's politics.

Vampires and Werewolves aren't just weak and nothing though, if they play their cards right they can redeem themselves and can get reincarnated in hopes to go to heaven in their next afterlife. They don't have any memory of their previous life or after though and just have to hope that their new self can be a better person then they where.

Tommy became a vampire in hell when he died. How he died he did not know, he thinks though that his brother Dream sacrificed him to some demons so George could be revived, but it was mostly a blur and it hurt to think about it.

The vampire had to either buy blood or fight others and drink their blood- he prefers the first option way more but isn't always able to do that one.

For a while though he wasn't able to buy any and he couldn't find any devils to drink blood from. He had no chance getting any from a werewolf, or demon, and so devils where his best option, finding many when they're drunk.

Without being able to get any blood he grew weak and his vision went blurry. Vampires couldn't go a week though without blood, and it's only been four days, so he had time. The last thing he saw before falling asleep that night was the wall of an alleyway he was laying in.

SBI were pissed. They made a deal with a mortal so they could get his brother as part of their family and he's lost in hell.

The kid that was lost used to be part of their family in the afterlife after dying and they adopted the soul, but then they redeemed themself and reincarnated, leaving the family. This was their chance to get their brother back and they wernt going to waste it.

How hard could it be to find a blond British boy who is a newly dead that needs to drink blood, since that's what he was in his previous afterlife they knew he would be a vampire, and when your some of the most powerful demons and a fallen Angel how hard could it be?

Turns out it's very hard.

It took them a year in human time, but only a few months of their time to find him, but when they did they panicked.They found him in an alleyway alone starving, obviously haven't drank any blood for a few days. They had to get him home and fast.

When they got the vampire home they imminently got blood bags to feed him. They just got him back and don't want to lose him again.

When the boy woke up he was half awake, so they force fed him the blood before he fell back asleep.

When Tommy woke up he was in a strange place and he felt fuller then he did when he fell asleep. (You know the drill) He noduced three people in the room and it only took a minute for it to click, those where the demons and fallen Angel that his brother sacrificed him to-

He tried to get up and leave but they didn't let him, saying stuff about being a family, how he was taken from them and he didn't remember them, it creeped him out.

He knew he couldn't escape though. A Vamire agenst three of the strongest people in hell? He had no chance. So, unwillingly, he stayed.

Slowly over time his memories of his previous after life came back, bit by bit until it was like he never left.

The demons were his brothers, the Fallen his dad and they were his family, he was happy there... though it was odd his family was really protective of him ever since he came back that night, not letting him out of their sight or letting him do nice things, but he didn't think anything of it.

They where his family, and he knew they just wanted to protect him, so it was fine!

And they all died dreadfully ever after!

(Happy(?) ending? In my prompt book-?! I didn't know that was possible!)

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