Theres an Imposter among us...

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Among us-

I don't care that it's not as popular as it used to be- I still like the game

While writing this I realized it's less like a prompt, but more like a story outline than usual

This isn't just dark SBI, if you want it can be more Tubbo and Dadschlatt, Dreamnotfound focused, or be focused on all three groups.

Prompt/Story outline/Oneshot

Tommy is on a spaceship heading to a different planet. Earth was overpopulated and so they took to space.
He was excited to explore space, but rumors had been going around that made him a bit hesitant... apparently Aliens had been taking over some of the ships, killing the crew, sometimes leaving a survivor who was never to be seen again.

Tommy didn't believe there was a imposter on the ship, and even if there was he's strong enough to fight them off! He has friends on the ship, like Tubbo, George, Wilbur, Techno, and Philza. Tubbo is around his age- yes he's still the youngest on the ship, but not by that much.

Wilbur, Techno, and Philza find it adorable how the human says he can fight off imposters, when he is so vulnerable to them. Yes, they are the imposters. They always have been. They weren't the only imposters on the ship. Because it was bigger than most shops there where two other imposters on board, Schlatt and Dream. The ship had 20 passengers total, including the imposters, so it wasn't going to be that hard to get away with the kills.

The three imposters had made a deal with each other though, so they couldn't just kill everyone on board. Between some of the crewmate being attached to some of the crewmate, or wanting revenge on some of them, wanting the satisfaction of killing them themselves.

Schlatt became attached to the crewmate Tubbo and the imposter's boyfriend was on the ship, so those two won't die. Quackity actually knows that Schlatt is an imposter, but he's not going to give them away.

Dream also has a boyfriend on the ship, George the crewmate. George, unlike Quackity, doesn't know his boyfriend is an imposter. Dream has tried to tell him, and doesn't even bother trying to hide the blood staining his suit sometimes, George just thinks it's katchup or is too tired to care.

Wilbur, Techno, and Philza are all attached to Tommy, the youngest crewmate. They don't want him to know they are imposters, at least not yet.

It wasn't in uncommon for imposters to get attached to humans, it's happened many times before. Why do you think there's never a survivor that goes back to earth? Sure, sometimes the imposters kill everyone, other times they take them back to Polus.

Because of that only about half of the ship has to die before they can take over it they don't want their crewmates to realize too soon. If they are willing to risk their crewmate being hurt or noticing they will only have to kill 6.

The five imposters planned to kill all crewmates besides theirs, not wanting to get caught by them. The imposters slowly started killing crewmates after they were too far out to turn back to earth.

One of the random crewmates found the body. Since it was the first kill no one knew who to suspect, some suspected the one who found the body.

After that most of the crewmates started acting differently, but that was normal after a corpse was found on the ship. It always happens when the crewmates realize 'there's an imposter among us'.

Tommy and Tubbo started distancing themselves from everyone else, and only really did tasks with each other, the duo having known each other before going on the ship. They moved into the same room so that they could keep watch at night so neither of them get killed in their sleep. When they don't have the same tasks or ones in the same rooms as each other then they sometimes do their tasks with others, always very jumpy when the do though, especially in electrical.
SBI, Schlatt and Quackity find it adorable.

George and Quackity both stuck with Dream and Schlatt respectfully, but for different reasons. Quackity just to seem like he's worried or scared. George on the other hand is terrified and believes being near Dream would be safer than being by himself.

The imposters slowly killed the crewmates one by one. There was a few close calls of their crewmates almost finding out, but they fortunately didn't. Now, there was only theirs and three other crewmates left. The imposters where planning on the three that day...

Then the emergency meeting button was pressed...

Tommy and Tubbo had found the body. They had found it in electrical, Tubbo had wires and they went together for less of a chance of being killed.

SBI and Schlatt shared a worried look, not wanting their crewmates to have seen a dead body, but oh well. What can they do?

One of the crewmates said that they most likely killed them then self reported, and that both of them where imposters that stuck together to not seem suspicious.
They were able to convince the other two and they all wanted the two thrown into the airlock.

The imposters don't usually step in when someone is going to be voted off, but it's their humans. They weren't about to let them die. The imposters quickly stopped the three before they could throw the teens off the ship. Quickly leading the two off away from the three and to Quackity so they wouldn't accidentally get hurt, and quickly took care of the three.

Tommy and Tubbo were horrified when they realized that there were five imposters, and that the five were people they thought they could trust. There where two other human crewmates, yes, but Quackity was on the imposters side and George fell asleep during the meeting and was somehow still asleep, so they couldn't get them to help.

The two were outnumbered and they couldn't fight back, but they could run. The two ran off to hide, going off in different directions. The imposters just sighed before looking for the two crewmates. They didn't plan on hurting them, but they didn't know that yet.

So while Wilbur, Philza, Quackity, and Schlatt looked for the crewmates, Techno and Dream went and picked up the new dead bodies and went to the room where they were kept.

Imposters have to eat after all.


Quackity could be an imposter if you want or not know about his bf/fiancé being an imposter, but I feel like Quackity would be suspicious of the imposters or learn they where imposters, but they didn't know he knew.

Yes, the imposters in this have a random mouth and giant tongue in the middle of their chest. I like to imagine that they can only eat from that mouth, human food, human, and anything else can't be eaten from their talking mouth.

If you want Ranboo can be included too. He was originally in it, but I found that having Dream and George adopt Ranboo just seemed a little weird to me, but you can do that if you want. He could also get adopted by SBI or you can add another imposter, but I was too far in to change any of it by then.

Ranboo would be a crewmate, but if you want to add some more to him he could be part imposter or be an imposter, but he doesn't know. He struggles not to kill and when he does it's in his ender walk, so he doesn't remember any of it. Randomly, whenever the cams
turn on in ender walk he just stares straight at them.

The random kills would scare the imposters, thinking there's an imposter they don't know of that might kill their humans. They put killing most of the crew on hold to find out who is killing, and after weeks staying up late on cams they learn it's Ranboo, and noduce he has no control over it.

If someone wasn't already attached to him they wouldn't kill him, wanting to help him understand what he was and help him to get out of that weird trance he gets into. They also make sure to keep him away from their humans when he's in that stance, leading him to a different crewmate to kill.

Ranboo would also be sticking with Tommy and Tubbo after the first body was found and moved into the same room as the two, trusting them and not wanting to be alone.

Prompts and stuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon