Part 51

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"At the trial of God, we will ask: why did you allow all this? / And the answer will be an echo: why did you allow all this?"

- Ilya Kaminsky

Fyodor looked down at the city of Yokohama covered in fog below him. He was pleased that his plan was going so accordingly. There was only one person who could jeopardise this plan but he was not going to stop the demon.

"Hello, Demon, are you enjoying what destruction we have caused?" The voice of the man he was just thinking of spoke from behind him.

"It is ironic to hear something like that come from your mouth. You have done the same thing as I and yearn for the same results as I do." Fyodor responded, not answering his question or giving away his plans of doing a double double-cross.

"Your attitude has changed. Could it be that the Demon has learned to become sarcastic? What could have ever made this happen? Was it that girl you lost? Everybody knows all about her by now--"

"Don't you dare mention her. She was an Angel amongst men and I will not have you speaking of her in this way." Fyodor quickly turned around with darkened eyes. Dazai knew he had crossed a line with those remarks and this would have pleased him if not for Fyodor's underlying sadness and the manic look in his eyes.

"She was more important to you than anyone could pass around by words." Dazai's face was serious as he spoke, something he usually did due to the danger of the Demon. Fyodor smiled devilishly at his remarks.

"Do you know what it feels like to miss someone's smell? God, I hated it at first. She always smelled so clean, it made me look bad. I mean compared to her, I was the worst. I miss it so much that my heart aches... Sometimes I think I smell her, and I even look for her despite the fact that I know she'll never walk through those doors again. I thought humans were cruel but I now know that it's the angels that are the cruel ones." Fyodor's face held a bitter sort of nostalgia. This was the same look that people would get when they've reached their breaking point but have been forced to keep going despite their sadness.

They say that the most dangerous type of man is one who has everything to lose because they fight about ten times harder than the man who has nothing to lose. It doesn't matter what a man has, it matters what a man is willing to give up. A man who gives up what matters most is a man who is willing to reach his goals no matter what. That is a dangerous man who cannot be held down by the limits of the human heart.

Dazai looked at the demon in front of him. This demon was different from the one he knew before-- this demon had matured. This demon was much more vengeful and dangerous. He had lost a woman he loved. Dazai was one who disliked pain, it was something that he didn't want to understand.

While looking at Fyodor, he came to the realisation that he didn't want to leave anyone in as much despair as the one Kate left Fyodor in. Dazai decided at this moment that he would commit double suicide with a beautiful woman so that there was no pain that came with his death. People would see it and know that he died beautifully with love and happiness. He realised that every person sees the world in a different way, and when someone dies it is, in a way, the death of an entire world.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫'𝔰 𝔇𝔬𝔩𝔩Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora