Part 10

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first and is waiting for it."

- Terry Pratchett

A few days after the doctor's visit, Fyodor had gotten into contact with Fitzgerald himself. Fitzgerald was utterly thrilled to finally speak to the demon that Kate had managed to end negotiations with, or "tamed" as he liked to brag. Fyodor first began by filling Fitzgerald in on what was happening with Kate.

"She's very sick, I almost thought she was going to die," Fyodor explained to the man on the other end of the phone.

"Kate can be a sickly woman on occasion, I'm not surprised. She always pulls through though, she is special in that way." Fitzgerald brushed off the severity of Kate's illness.

"I had a doctor come to look at her yesterday and he gave her medicine to help with the fever as well as the pain she is in," Fyodor explained, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of the man.

"Oh my, that's a lot of trouble she's causing... Might have to take that out of her salary." He mumbled the last part to himself but Fyodor heard it. Instantly he was sent into a fit of rage.

How dare Fitzgerald treat her like this, as though she were to blame. He was the one who used her and yet here she was being punished. How could he not care about her wellbeing at all? Fyodor had known this woman for far less time than her boss, and yet he was more concerned for her than he was. He couldn't believe how people could be so selfish in that way. Someone was willing to die for your cause and you looked the other way, with disgust, when they needed your help. Fyodor was actually excited to use this organisation now, it had just become personal to him.

"Nonsense, I took care of it for her," Fyodor spoke flatly, clearly displeased.

"She shouldn't be causing you this much trouble. In fact, she should be on a plane back to us right now. I'm sure you'll want her out of your hair as soon as possible." Fitzgerald absentmindedly spoke, already planning his next step now that Fyodor was backing him.

"Actually, the doctor said she was unfit for travel. Also-" Fyodor stopped himself. He was going to get Kate to stay with him, and in order to make that happen, he did something very sneaky.

"Also, in the contract that I had sent over, and you signed, it stated that Kate is to stay with me for the next year," Fyodor spoke firmly.

"I... I must've missed that part." Fitzgerald's frown was audible through the phone.

"You signed this contract and therefore consented to it, so it must be fulfilled." Fyodor didn't back down to what was rightfully his.

"Well I suppose you're right, a contract must be fulfilled by both parties. Very well, you shall keep her." With much reluctance, Fitzgerald agreed.

"I shall." Fyodor nodded, smiling slyly.

"Now, let's get on with business, shall we?" Fitzgerald quickly brushed off his annoyance towards Fyodor.

Fitzgerald was a man in love with not only power but also money. Because of these two facts, he absolutely adored Kate. She had both and was able to back him. Her ability gave him immense power, although it didn't always work out how he wanted. She also came from a very wealthy family that was well known. If he wasn't married and it was about strategy, he would've snatched Kate. She was already perfect in his eyes. After all, she listened, had money, provided her power, cared about her image, and was a docile woman. 

The only problem that he had with her was her lack of emotion. She was a doll. He didn't like how she visibly had the ambition for nothing, she had to be told what to do, and she wasn't good at affection. Her life was only what the tabloids reported. She was the same person since people never got to know her... but what was there to know? She had no personality whatsoever.

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