Part 25

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"Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

- Homer

Kate and Fyodor had been gone the entire day, not a word was shared with Ivan. This was the longest he had ever been without any communication from his master. He depended on him the way a newborn depends on their mother. He couldn't begin to imagine what happened to them. What if they were caught by the police? What if they had been caught up in another type of trouble, a much more illegal kind? What if the zombie apocalypse had started and it began with Fyodor and Kate? All the possibilities ranged in Ivan's mind and he was almost dripping in sweat.

When he heard the keys entering the locks on the door, he was overwhelmed with relief and ran over. When he reached the door, he almost broke the lock opening it before tearing open the door. His chest heaved up and down as he stared at Kate and Fyodor, a slight mania in his eyes.

"Hello, Ivan." Fyodor greeted a bit sternly, unhappy with his servant's current state.

"Master Fyodor! You two took so long, I was afraid you wouldn't return." He moved aside to let them pass as he twiddled his thumbs, his eyes averted towards the floor.

"I'm sorry we worried you, Ivan. I should've had him call." Kate put her hands atop of Ivans, trying to calm him.

"I just got so worried, I don't like being left alone for so long..." Ivan frowned, looking up at Kate.

"It won't happen again." Kate smiled kindly to reassure him. Ivan smiled hopefully at her but quickly dropped his hands to his side once he caught his master's dangerous gaze.

Ivan knew that look Fyodor had, he knew just how dangerous it could be. He had never been on the receiving end of it and yet he knew all too well what it meant... Fyodor was jealous. Nobody should ever touch his woman, ever. Fyodor wouldn't let Ivan keep his life he continued to receive Kate's immense kindness. Fyodor wanted to be the sole recipient of her love, no matter what kind.

"It's no problem, miss Chopin." He shook his head.

"Are you sure? I would never want to trouble you." She knitted her brows in concern.

"You're far too kind to me. I'll be alright." He nodded his head and forced a smile.

Kate always felt conflicted about this smile of his. Ivan wasn't the type of person that had a face suited for smiling. He looked pained, awkward, and... quite alarming when he smiled. So, while it was rather unpleasant to look at, Kate appreciated it because she knew he didn't smile often. 

"Ivan, could you make us some tea? I'm sure Kate is tired from our all-day adventure." Fyodor stepped over, reintroducing himself into the conversation. He stood right behind Kate, towering over her.

"Yes, right away." Ivan bowed before scurrying off to make a warm drink for them.

"Let's go sit?" Fyodor suggested, leading his arm out towards the sitting room. She nodded, smiling softly.

The pair went to the sitting room to make sure their usual routine happened again after so long of being left on pause. They planned on reading their books together, perhaps Kate would sew something or crochet. Maybe Fyodor would play the cello. The night was still young and full of possibilities.

Ivan was quick to bring the tea and poured some cups for Fyodor and Kate. They thanked him and Ivan knew it was his cue to leave although he desperately wanted to stay. Ivan knew he was inferior-- a rat to a cat, or a dog to a master-- but he still craved to be validated. Don't we all?

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