Part 45

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"Life had broken her, just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they continued on their journey, together, mended as one"

- Steve Maraholi

Kate laid in bed with Fyodor by her side. She wasn't better, she wasn't going to get better-- this she knew. For most of her life she had wanted to die because she loved nothing and in return, nothing loved her. What kind of a life was that? The answer: not one worth living. She had finally discovered this chemical reaction later on in life and she couldn't experience it for long. She thought it was cruel that God was doing this to her; finally giving her a reason to live when her body wouldn't let her. Her body, which had always been frail but stronger than her mind, had lost.

Fyodor watched her sleeping form, making sure that her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. At times when it became too shallow to visibly see, he would hold onto her hand and use his thumb to check her pulse on her wrist. He was so worried for her, so worried that he would not be able to keep her by his side any longer. He knew Nikolai would be there very soon with Sigma, the solution to her problem-- their problem. She had to hold on a little longer, she had to wait for Nikolai and Sigma.

When he previously wanted to flee to the safe house in China with her, this was when she was healthy. She could not be moved now though, it would take too much of a toll on her body. If people came looking for them at the house, he would have to protect her along with Ivan... and they were both all alone. She said that Miroslav would be able to take care of it all but Fyodor could never be sure. He trusted none of his allies and they didn't trust him either. The people that Fyodor trusted were the ones in that house, not even Nikolai was a permanent resident on this list because Fyodor knew his desire to be free would always come first above all else.

It was late at night and Fyodor could not sleep because he wanted to soak in every second that he could when he was looking at Kate and was lucid. He was afraid that she would disappear at any second now... but she could, he wasn't wrong for thinking this.

Kate's eyes silently opened and she met Fyodor's eyes. They stared at each other, neither willing to break the stillness.

"I love you more than I love anything else. I love you more than lemon scones and books. I love you more than my harp and the beach. I love you most out of everything that could ever make me happy in this world." Her voice was soft as she spoke. She reached her hand out and he took it in his, placing a soft kiss on it.

"I love you more than the book, more than knowledge, more than... more than a world without abilities." He whispered as she brushed some hair out of his face so she could see him in the moonlight more clearly.

"This year with you has been the best of my life. You have given me so much more than I could have ever received. I will never love anything more than I love you." She closed her eyes as she squeezed his hand with what little physical strength she had left.

"This last year has been my favourite one that I have ever lived. I haven't known you long but I know that nobody else will ever have my heart. You alone will be the one to warm my soul, the one to heal my wounds, the one to draw out tears, and the one to receive my kindness. Please, marry me?" He stared at her, his violet eyes glowing in the dark room. She loved the way that the colour of the moon made his eyes glow in the dark, making him appear supernatural.

"I would take no one else as a husband." She smiled as her eyes filled with tears.

"And I would take no one else as a wife." He bit his lower lip as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Then I shall look forward to becoming your wife." Her voice cracked as she choked on a silent sob. He instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest.

He wouldn't let her die, so long as he was still breathing then so would she. He would do anything to ensure she remained content by his side until the end of the world. He always detested his sinful ability and wished to meet a heroic end by riding the entire world of abilities, but now he had a reason to keep living and he wasn't going to lose it so easily.

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