Part 12

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"I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise"

- Anaïs Nin

Nikolai was concerned for Kate. She had been silent for the entire day, she only stared off at no particular target. She looked broken. He had tried to get her to talk more again but she showed no sign that she was even listening to him. Which, she wasn't.

Kate had completely shut down. It wasn't on purpose, it was a natural reaction she couldn't control. However, this left her at the mercy of her own mind now. She couldn't retain anything Nikolai said to her and her mind swirled with thoughts-- most were very, very dangerous. She wished nothing more than to no longer be present in this moment. She wanted so desperately for Nikolai to help her become normal but her body wouldn't allow her. She thought of the consequences that would become hers should this happen. Her family would disown her and her reputation would be completely shattered. Not to mention, she would soon find herself on the most wanted list right beside Fyodor. She would have no livelihood and no family. She would lose everything. Why should she give it all up? She had no real reason. She knew her life this way and she had survived so far.

Nikolai knew he messed up somewhere but he couldn't pinpoint exactly when. He also couldn't comprehend that he had failed. He simply told himself he needed more time with her, even if he wasn't entirely sure of this.

Footsteps echo in the dark, abandoned warehouse he had taken Kate to. He looked up towards the source to see a very furious looking Fyodor Dostoevsky.

"Gogol. You've stolen Kate away from me and I demand you give her back." He growled angrily at his 'friend.'

"Oh, Katherine and I were simply having a chat. Although, it was ruined hours ago." He sighed sadly, like a child whose toy had broken. Fyodor glanced behind him, no longer having tunnel vision. He was finally aimed at spending his energy on the recovery of Kate instead of angrily speaking to Nikolai. When he finally saw her, his rage only flared up in his chest even more. He ran to her side and began to remove the restraints that had kept her to the chair.

"Was this necessary, Kolya? She's still sick, you idiot!" He turned to express his frustration to the circus performer who only shrugged.

"She did stab me, it was only for our safety." He explained innocently.

"She stabbed you? Well, serves you right." Fyodor continued to be upset with Nikolai, however, this information shocked him.

Kate had always been peaceful and never showed any sort of capability to harm others. Truthfully, he was impressed by this side of her that he had not yet seen. If she was capable of such acts of violence, this meant she wasn't the angel he had been led to believe. She was keeping secrets that he so desperately wanted to know now. How was she able to harm Nikolai Gogol, despite his overcoat? She wasn't as innocent and incapable as she made herself seem. Fyodor's mind raced with possible tests he could give her to see what she truly could do. He wouldn't act upon these thoughts but his mouth watered with excitement just at this possibility.

"Katherine, can you hear me? I've come to take you home and away from this place." Fyodor whispered to her unresponsive face. She looked worse than usual which scared him. He wondered what Gogol could have possibly done to her to make her this way.

Fyodor had seen Gogol lead many people to a new sense of freedom before, but Kate was different. She was always different! Fyodor both loved and hated that about her. It was so bittersweet to have someone so different from all others because it was exciting, fresh, and new... the downside was that nothing Fyodor knew would work on her. She reacted differently than what he always expected or predicted. He had expected Nikolai would be able to help her but how wrong he was, Nikolai only made things worse for her.

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