Part 24

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"Night is not something to endure until dawn. It is an element like wind or fire. Darkness is its own kingdom; it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it."

- Patricia A. McKillip

Kate had dreaded her walk with Fyodor not because she didn't want to spend time with him... but because she didn't want to be alone with him. She knew that in this moment of awkwardness after their fight, she was vulnerable to whatever trickery Fyodor might play. She didn't trust him fully after that stunt, how could she?

She wore a simple dress, hoping it would get cold quickly and Fyodor would return her to the house sooner than anticipated. She knew it was wrong for her to think that way, but she did so despite her reluctance. She sighed deeply as she watched her reflection stare back at her in the mirror. She would have to play nice for today since she couldn't even go anywhere else if she wanted to.

She wanted to know more details about Fyodor's arrangement involving her. What exactly did it mean? She was supposed to be staying with him, but did this confine her only to the walls of his home? Was she permitted to move freely by her own decision? And should she choose to breach this contract, what would be the consequence? She had all these questions and no answers; she hoped to get some out of him today.

When the knock sounded upon her door, she knew it was time to finally face him. She walked over and opened the door, looking up at the face of Ivan. He was a pleasant surprise.

"Ivan, what are you doing here?" She asked, her brows furrowing together slightly.

"Master has sent me to fetch you from your room. He is downstairs, waiting for you." Ivan moved out of the doorway, allowing her the opportunity to walk in front of him should she choose to. She looked at him expectantly, cueing him to walk ahead of her.

As she followed behind him, she bit her tongue to prevent herself from asking Ivan questions. However, as they drew nearer to the bottom of the staircase, she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Ivan?" She stopped as she called for his attention.

"Yes?" He turned and also stopped when he noticed her stationary position.

"Does Fyodor tell you about his work?" She asked, trying to both get information and lead into her other questions.

"Only when it benefits him for me to know." He responded, nodding his head slightly.

"When he added me into the contract, were you aware of this?" She asked, knowing she would cover up her true intentions of spying on them very well.

"I was not, he decided the negotiations and then kept them to himself. I, of course, didn't ask questions of master." Ivan answered.

"If you had known, you wouldn't have told me; I'm very aware of your allegiances. However, what would you have thought of it? What would you have thought of your master throwing me into the deal like that? Don't hold back, I know you know everything that goes on in this house." She stared down at him from a higher step.

"Master knows what is best for us, even if we don't see it at first. He wouldn't use us without purpose. If we are still being used then that means we are still valuable. It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ivan smiled in admiration as he spoke of Fyodor. Kate couldn't ignore the way that Ivan's eyes seemed to sparkle and his entire complexion seemed to glow as he spoke of his master.

"I believe Fyodor is still waiting for us." Was all she could respond with as she couldn't answer the question for herself.

Value is given to things by their usefulness. Money has a high value because of how useful it is to the world. Smartphones have value because they are useful. Kate had realised that this was true for people too; Employees will be seen as good and valuable employees by how useful they are to the business and the employer. Everything has to be useful or else it has no meaning.

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