🎃 Halloween Special 🎃

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"Wasn't that the definition of home? Not where you are from, but where you're wanted."

- Abraham Verghese

"Fyodor, is the calendar on the wall correct?" Kate inquired with a concerned look.

"Yes, Ivan updates it daily. Why, is something wrong?" Fyodor returned the same amount of concern.

"It's just... Halloween is coming up." She responded, a light tint covering her cheeks.

"Oh." Fyodor breathed out, not knowing entirely how to respond to her.

Fyodor had never been one to celebrate Halloween, it was a luxury for the capable people he had thought. He never had the time nor the capabilities to do it. He didn't have the money to buy pumpkins or a costume, nor did he have the confidence to go up to people's doors. Fyodor wasn't able to celebrate most holidays growing up, so he didn't celebrate them as an adult either.

Kate, on the other hand, celebrated every holiday that was on the typical US calendar. Her family was always in the spotlight so parties were all too common, and media was always focused on them. While Kate hated holidays, she absolutely loved being festive and making the holidays more enjoyable for others.

"I... I was wondering if we could carve pumpkins and maybe even watch some scary movies?" She suggested, twiddling her thumbs and staring down at them. Fyodor stared at her, wondering why she asked.

"Of course, whatever you would like." He nodded his head absentmindedly, turning back to his computer.

"I would like Ivan and you to join me." She spoke, trying to explain what she meant.

"Oh!" Fyodor instantly turned back around to face her.

"It's quite alright if you cant, I just thought... maybe we could do it all together and have a fun little... bonding experience I suppose. I don't know..." She rambled, not quite sure what to say without looking needy.

Truthfully, she thought of them all like a little family in the house they shared together. She wanted to bond with them, to get to know them more, to become closer to both of the men, Fyodor specifically. Not only because she is supposed to be spying on him, but because of other reasons; reasons unknown to even herself.

"Kate, it's no problem at all." Fyodor stands up to bring her hands into his.

"We would love to join you in these festivities." He reassured her. A small smile crept up onto her face as she nodded excitedly.

Fyodor had sent Ivan to get three pumpkins from the store for them, as well as some carving tools. Ivan was a bit worried that he would look like a serial killer because of the knives and trashbags. He returned with bad news. There were only two pumpkins that he could find so someone would either be excluded or would have to share. Kate had no problem sharing with Fyodor which he was both very thankful for and excited for. He couldn't wait to make something beautiful with her.

Kate had set the trashbags down and had a sharpie in order to plan out the designs on their pumpkins. Since she knew more than the others did, she would be the one to explain how to carve the pumpkin.

"First we cut off the top to make a lid and then we empty it out." She explained to them as she demonstrated cutting the top off of her and Fyodor's shared pumpkin. She moved aside and let Fyodor finish cutting open the top. She cut it at an angle so that it would not fall into the pumpkin once it was hollow.

"Next we'll scoop out all of the insides. My brother calls it the guts..." She sheepishly explained as she stuck a spoon into the pumpkin.

She pulled out a slimy entrail and Fyodor almost shuddered at the sight. He didn't want to get his hands dirty but he knew that Kate didn't want to either and yet here she was with a smile on her face as she pulled out seeds and whatever else it was that was inside of the pumpkin. Ivan was enjoying getting his hands dirty and enriching himself in this strange tradition.

When everyone was finished hollowing out their pumpkins, Kate explained the next step of drawing their design with the sharpie before carving it out.

"What design should we do, Fyodor?" Kate asked as she uncapped the sharpie.

"Whatever you would like." He smiled as he closed his eyes.

"I would like you to pick. Truthfully, I don't have a design in mind anyways. Besides, this is your first time so I want it to be all about you." She insisted as she shook her head firmly.

"Very well... What about a pumpkin?" He suggested. Kate covered her mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping her lips.

"What's so funny?" He asked, also smiling.

"You want a pumpkin on your pumpkin?" She asked, biting her lower lip.

"Well, you make it sound silly." He blushed.

"Not at all! I think it's rather creative." She shook her head, handing him the sharpie.

"Is this something you want as well?" He asked, looking to her for confirmation.

"As long as you want it, I'm happy either way." She smiled as she gazed at him, her own gaze holding a certain warmth in it for him.

"Okay, but you should draw it." He handed her the sharpie. She quickly drew a pumpkin outline on it and allowed him to start carving out the unique shape.

"Ivan, what are you carving?" She asked, leaning over to look at the servant.

"It's going to be a house." He explained slowly since he was more focused on carving than conversing. Kate couldn't help but smile at his unique choice as well.

When both Fyodor and Ivan were finished carving, they turned their pumpkins around to show them off.

"It's a pumpkin on a pumpkin. Inception, if you will." Fyodor chuckled slightly at his own words. Kate exhaled deeply in place of a laugh.

"Oh, master, you're so smart! I wish I had thought of something that creative. I simply carved the house." Ivan turned his pumpkin around to reveal a very detailed carving of the house they all occupied together. Kate gasped at his carving.

"I wanted to carve something that meant so much to me. I... This house with you two is a home that I am grateful to have experienced in my life." He bowed his head in gratitude. Kate's eyes watered as she took in the weight of his words.

This house had become a home, not only for Ivan but for Kate as well, and Fyodor. This band of misfits had come from different backgrounds and yet they all had longed for the same thing-- a home. They had found it in one another and they had finally put it into words. They found the place where they belonged and it was with each other. If they could stay together forever, they most likely would have. Unfortunately, most homes are displaced and/or separated under unfortunate circumstances. They didn't know how long they had together, so they were determined to make it last as long as it could.

"Happy Halloween."

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