Bonus No. 6

429 26 15

"I am a very boring and unpleasant man, drowned in literature... But I love you."

- Vladimir Nabokov

Fyodor hated the beach, his complexion was far too pale to enjoy the prolonged period of sun, the seaweed was annoying and gross, and the rocks hurt his bones when he sat or laid down, not to mention the places that had sand were always crowded, and the sand got in every crevice of his body.

Kate on the other hand liked the beach, she liked the childishness she could have there; she liked swimming in the water, she liked building sandcastles, the sounds that the waves made when they crashed on the shore, she might even see a crab or a stingray-- it was all rather exciting to her and Ivan alike.

Here, Fyodor sat under a dark umbrella with a comical amount of sunscreen on his body as he crossed his arms over his body to cover up as best as he could. Kate stood by the shore with Ivan, who was very eager to "dive" into the water despite Kate's attempts at telling him that the ocean isn't a place you can dive into from the shore.

Fyodor tried to lay down his towel but it didn't lay entirely flat and this bothered him enough to make him annoyed with everything else. He threw his towel and sat down on the sand, crossing his arms and pouting.

"You look like you need help," A woman's voice interrupted Fyodor's pity party for himself. He turned, startled, to look at a woman in a triangle bikini, showing off far more than he was prepared to see at this moment. He instantly flushed red.

"I don't need any help." He scoffed, appalled that she would even think he needed help from the likes of her.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help a handsome man like yourself?" She asked, bending down to him, her cleavage practically being shoved in his face.

"My love, come-- oh, am I interrupting anything?" Kate suddenly interjected, a fake smile plastered onto her face as she feigned obliviousness.

"Not yet..." The woman pouted, crossing her arms as she stood up all the way. She was obviously taller than Kate and much curvier. A heat made its way to Kate's chest, she was not pleased with this woman being so physically appealing to Fyodor. In fact, she might even say she began to feel protective of him in this instance.

"What a shame," Kate's eyes darkened as her smile remained. The woman looked down at Kate, obviously not impressed.

"As a word of advice, you should pay better attention to a man like this or else he might... wander." The woman offered some unsolicited advice that instantly made Kate's fake smile fall.

"Ah, well then some advice for you; your extensions don't match your dyed colour, and your lip fillers are extremely large, can you even feel your lips anymore? Your eyelash extensions are also in need of a fill so you should do that soon. Not to mention the rest of the plastic in you might melt on a day as hot as today-- staying indoors might do you good for that and those sunspots you hide behind that uneven spray tan." Kate tilted her head innocently as the woman's face reddened in embarrassment. Fyodor didn't even try to hide his laugh and bent over, his extremely loud laugh filling the area instantly.

Fyodor thought it was hilarious to see Kate be so verbally aggressive towards someone she had never met before. Besides, all this fuss was over him; her possessiveness was attractive as hell. He knew that he wasn't all that physically attractive, it was his personality that made him such a hit with the women. Yet this random woman was willing to verbally go against Kate for Fyodor, perhaps he was better looking than he thou-- why did she even approach him right now? He literally looked like a vampire in a bad movie.

"Come on, darling, you wanted to show me something?" Fyodor interjected, taking Kate's hand in his as he led her towards the shore. The woman let out a loud 'hmph' as they left her pouting.

"Ivan's been collecting seashells and rocks for us." She said, trying her best to completely ignore the situation they had just escaped.

"I loved you getting so possessive of me, it really turned me on. I could just tear you apart now and let everyone know who I belong to, hm. Would you like that?" His breath was hot on her neck as he grabbed the hair at the base of her skull, tugging gently. She gasped and flushed red.

"F-Fyodor we cant do something like that here." She stuttered, looking into his eyes.

"Fine, I'll behave for now. But when we get home I can't wait to scream your name." He kissed her forehead before letting her go so he could walk towards Ivan.

Kate was a flustered mess, standing still as she watched Ivan hand over cutely shaped rocks and pretty shells he picked out for his master. It was only when he called her over that she moved again, running over to the pair with a smile on her face-- She loved the beach.

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