Part 22

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"I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do stop, and then a moment later you are at it again with a knife, like a surgeon."

- Anaïs Nin

Kate had returned to Fyodor's home with a scowl on her face and her hands curled up in fists. She almost couldn't believe he had done something that despicable to her... But she knew deep down that she had always expected something like this from him. After all, he was the demon, Fyodor Dostoevsky-- one of the most dangerous and wanted ability users in the entire world. Could she really have expected much more from him?

She was angry, she was annoyed, but she was hurt most of all. He could have just asked her if she would stay with him instead of throwing her into the deal as though she were a lamp that everyone wanted to share. He did sneaky things behind her back that directly affected her. How could he not ask her nor even bother to tell her? Perhaps this was what she deserved from using her ability on him, this must have been her karma.

Anger is a secondary emotion, whether this is surprising or unsurprising is up to the interpreter. The main primary emotions behind anger are fear and sadness; this should seem unsurprising. When one feels fear and/or sadness, they are out of control and this lack of control can be quite worrisome. In order to protect oneself, the brain will switch the emotion to a secondary one-- anger. Anger provides an energy that the person didn't feel before, which in turn makes them feel more in charge and less helpless. Anger is funny in that sense.

Kate knew nothing about anger or why it was a secondary emotion, she knew nothing about what was underneath it. She only knew that her chest hurt and her mind felt as though it were bubbling. This was a hot anger that would cause her to explode at the one she cared about. To be fair though, how much did he actually care about her?

He claimed he loved her and he had proved through his actions that he was willing to help her, do anything to make her happy. And yet... and yet he would deceive her still. Someone you love doesn't do that to you, not when they love you back just as much. It was unfathomable how Fyodor could just ruin his relationship with her like this. Did he think her to be stupid? How would she not have found out? She was bound to find out in every situation she ran through in her head. So, why would he still try to pull one over on her? The wool was over nobody's eyes but his own.

"Fyodor I must speak with you." She opened his study door, not bothering to knock. She was too far into her bubbling anger to be polite with him anymore.

"Kate, I'm sorry but could this wait? I have a very important meeting in a moment with someone." Fyodor's eyes were wide with panic as he rushed to try and usher her out of the door. She was too busy being angry to care about his personal agenda.

"No, this cannot wait!" She shouted at him, her entire body shaking with rage. Fyodor was able to see the change in her once beautifully golden eyes; they had darkened with fury. The woman in front of him was seething and he knew he couldn't get out of this confrontation.

"Kate, please. This meeting is very, very important. I promise I will get back to you in 15 minutes at most." He pleaded, trying to grab her hands with his. She pulled her body away, taking a step back.

"We are talking about this now. Whoever your meeting is with will have to wait." She firmly stated.

Fyodor wasn't used to seeing Kate being firm with her words like this. He had seen her state things that would be non-negotiable, but this tone frightened him quite frankly. He knew he had done something to make her this angry but he couldn't possibly figure out what it was. He also knew that this meeting was a matter of life and death for him, it was about the book and The Angels of Decay-- he couldn't simply push it aside.

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