Part 33

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"I am jealous of those who think more deeply, who draw better, who look better, who live better, who love better than I."

- Sylvia Plath

As Fyodor found his way to Kate, he wanted to smile, he was winning after all. He loved her, yes, but that urge to destroy her had never fully disappeared, he simply refused to acknowledge it in fears of ruining her too much. But now, all of her secrets would belong to him... There was no more hiding any part of herself from him. As he paced his office, thinking of what to do, his door opened.

"Fyodor, Ivan just showed me the news... I need help..." Kate's eyes were desperate.

"I've just gotten off the phone with your mother and she said the same thing," Fyodor said nonchalantly, he needed the control to remain in his favour.

"I'll have to make some phone calls, I... I think that's all I can do." She rubbed her arms.

"Kate, I know you were eavesdropping. You caught the last part of my conversation so ask what it is you want to ask. Be direct, dear." He sat down on the edge of his desk, staring intently at her. The mock innocence fell immediately and genuine worry crossed her face.

"How long did you know I was working for the government?" She asked, staring back just as intently.

"Before I even met you." His answer made her stomach sink.

"Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you kill me? Why did you let me continue to spy on you?" She asked, suddenly angry. She wasn't sure why she was angry with him but she was. Perhaps this meant she was a bad spy, or maybe someone revealed her cover. She didn't know but she no longer trusted anything they had gone through together.

"Believe me, my dear, you have no idea how much I wanted to destroy you. You have such a pretty face and I wanted to ruin it... But I couldn't. I suppose I was curious, I wanted to see just how much you could learn. It wasn't much, was it?" He asked, quirking a brow with a smug smile.

"No, I play a long game. I don't aim to gather much information, I aim to gather trust." She glared at him.

"Well, at least you completed that mission with me. My turn to ask a question now; what changed?" It was Fyodor's turn to be angry now.

How dare she try to spy on him, how dare she think it would work. Fyodor knew of this from the very beginning and yet he still felt betrayed. There was no doubt that she had been genuine with him the entire time but she still had been trying to deceive him. Did the genuineness of her make things better or worse?

"I fell in love... I fell in love with a demon who only loves me when it's convenient. I failed my mission and completed the biggest act of betrayal. Now I'm paying the price for what I've done. I told you people like us didn't deserve happy endings, didn't I?!" She cried out, her hand clutching her chest.

Kate didn't care, she just wanted all these feelings to go away. She had felt nothing for so long and now she couldn't handle it. Her head was an ocean storm of feelings and she could do nothing but drown in her own head. It was full and swarming but she didn't know why.

"What's next? Are you gonna kill me now?" She asked, sitting down and putting her head in her hands. He said nothing and this worried her.

"We were good while we lasted, eh?" She laughed, not knowing what else to do, how else to respond.

"You know I'm not letting you go. I couldn't give up on you if I tried. We're together now and nothing is going to tear us apart. I'll fix this, you'll get on the phone with the American government." He grabbed her hands and held them tenderly. She nodded, tears escaping her eyes.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫'𝔰 𝔇𝔬𝔩𝔩Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum