We Must Find Her

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Theseus Pov
Newt found a exit from this place, and we teleport back to the train. we were all standing together, trying figure out what to do and how to find Margaret, Newt pipes up "We need to use Avenseguim spell" Newt looks at me, "do you have anything sentimental of  hers ?  Or anything like that ?" I looked down at the ground for a second and thought what it could be "Yes" and I teleport out of the train. I appear in Margaret's apartment I quickly scramble around on her kitchen bench and
couldn't find anything I ran to her lounge room and scrambled around trying to find something of hers. I run to her bedroom I quickly look around on her drawers and grab some of her jewellery, and a couple of other things I see the photographs of us from the Photo Booth I look at it for a brief second, I grab photograph and put it in my pocket, I open her drawers trying to find something and found nothing useful in there. I ran over to her wardrobe and I started looking in there I grab a scarf and one of her shoes and some pieces of clothing she wears. I think I have enough and run to the kitchen I look down at the kitchen bench and see a pretty pink ribbon she likes the where in her hair sometimes, I pick up the ribbon and put it in my pocket. And teleport out of her apartment back to the train. I put the things I get for Margaret apartment on the ground, I pull my wand out and cast Avenseguim on one of the objects
"Avenseguim" it's slowly fluids up into the air then it falls back on the ground panicked I try again on a different object for hers "Avenseguim !" it didn't work i'm getting more annoyed and frustrated it not working "Avenseguim !!" I say again to a different object, I see the photograph of us in The pile I lean down and pick it up I look at it for a brief moment I try the spell again on the photograph "Avenseguim" I say softly floats up then slowly forced to the ground, I sigh into defeat, then I remember the pink ribbon, I pull the pink ribbon out of my coat and look at it. "it's a pink ribbon she likes  to where in her hair sometimes" I try Avenseguim spell on the ribbon, "Avenseguim" the ribbon slowly floats up into the air and starts flying through the train I was so excited it worked I started following the ribbon through the train and watch it fly out the window I open the window and poke my head out I watch the ribbon fly through the air I smile and teleport out of the train following the ribbon. I follow the ribbon, And it takes me back to the place where Newt and I where captured, I follow the ribbon down the hallway and the ribbon takes me to a door, the ribbon went underneath the door, she must be in there I thought. I call her name, I heard nothing I tried opening the door but it was locked "Margaret, Margaret" I tried knocking down the door I tried calling out her name again "Margaret" the third hit against, the door sends the door flying wide open. I see Margaret asleep on the couch, i'm relieved she's okay, I watch the ribbon fly through the air and land on the floor at her feet. I run over to her and try to wake her up. "Margaret wake up" I say well shaking her shoulder she wasn't waking up, I pick her up and take her back to the train to try to figure out, what's wrong with her with the others.

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