Sad To See You Go

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Time skip Couple a months later

I'm chatting with some work colleagues and I overhear Margaret is leaving, a part of me is really sad to here she leaving. I finish my conversation with my work colleagues. And went off to go find Margaret. I went to the floor where Margaret's department is, and I went to go find her. I see Margaret at her desk putting different items in boxes with her wand floating behind her, putting other bits and bobs and boxes.
I walk over to her, lean against a desk and smile
"I heard you're leaving" she looks up at me and gives me a sweet smile "Yes" she says
"I'm sad to see you go, why are you leaving ?" 
"I'm leaving to be a florist" "how come ?" I ask.
She sighs a little when she putting more things into a boxs "I don't think this jobs very suited for me" I look at her one last time "I'm going to miss our conversations" I say, with a small smile. I walk away, and went back to work, I'm really sad to see her go, I'm going to miss her, i'm going to miss her warm smile of hers around the office.

Time skip that evening

I walk out of the office building with Leta holding my arm it was pouring with rain outside. I'm walking down the stairs with Leta and I see Margaret using her wand as a umbrella, while putting boxes into her car. Leta looks over see Margaret "Good thing she's leaving, She was terrible at her job, she was totally incompetent she's useless," I cut Leta off from talking, just so I can make a stop saying mean things about Margaret. I didn't realise how mean Leta can be about work colleagues. "don't be mean, she probably wasn't good at some parts at her job but she's lovely" Leta looked unimpressed, I look over at Leta and give her a little smile "unlike you your the loveliest" Leta smiles at my compliment. I look back at Margaret, Margaret sees us and smiles and waves at us and I waved back at her.

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