Tell Me Anything

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Margaret Pov
I got captured by Grindelwald and his followers
they put me in a room that was very nicely decorated I got told me to sit on the couch, I did what I was told and set on the couch, I am scared out of my mind what they would do to me. Grindelwald walks into the room and looks at me
and smiles at me making me feel uneasy, "we won't hurt you dear, the only thing you need to do is  just sit there and look pretty" he says with a wicked grin. Grindelwald put a spell on me
Making me sit up straight and crossing my legs and putting my hands in my lap, making me sit all lady like, I couldn't move. I'm so scared what they're going to do to me.

Theseus Pov
Newt and I are tied up in this big, empty room, Newt face in the wall, and I was facing the giant doorway in front of me. we couldn't use our wands to untie ourselves there was like a magic blocking spell put over the entire building.
The place where we tied up kind of looks like
The French ministry of magic, but more eerie and cold, a true spell got put on us, but we don't know by who or what we couldn't see anyone or anything anywhere. "Why were you with Leta Lestrange when you wanted to be with Margaret ?"
I hear creepy whispers, taunting me about me being with Leta Lestrange when I desperately wanted to be with someone else I struggled trying to get out of the ropes, i'm trying my best not get the creepy voices into my head. The creepy voices kept pushing and taunting me. "I was in love with her" I blurted out. Then I see Margaret standing in front of me I could tell she heard the voices and what they  were saying she had a sad look on her face and tears swelling up in her eyes. she looks at me  "you were in love with me when you're with Leta" she says with a quiver in her voice I felt tears swelling up in my eyes "Yes," I look into her eyes and I could see the pain and sadness in her eyes I caused her. This hurt me so much I'm the one who cause this, "you are so sweet so lovely and kind, I was scared, scared to be with you, She said she love me and I thought being with Leta I could get over you". fell tears rolling down my face being vulnerable in front of her I'm struggling so much but I wanted to tell her how I felt. I could see she was about to cry but still holding it together "And you decided to marry her anyway" "Yes, I thought I can learn to love her, so I can get over you, but I couldn't, I still love you and because I didn't want to hurt you" I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my face. Margaret walks over to me and puts her hands on my cheeks still with pain in her eyes she leads down and kisses me. She pulls away And starts untying us, Newt and I are both untied. I look at Margaret and then it hit me "how did you get here ?" I say concerning lee "I got captured when I was walking home one day,"
"I thought no one new about us" "no one did, I'm only allowed out for an hour" I quickly pull out my pocket watch and look at the time "we have 30 minutes". I grab Margaret's hand and start running, we run out into the hallway with Newt behind us, we're trying to find an exit out of this place before we run out of time, We tried to use our ones to teleport out of this place but it's not working. Two men appeared behind us we tried shooting spells, at them but it didn't work. The two men grabbed Margaret then vanished. "NNNNOOOO" I scream Fear and anger  waves over me of the thought of what's going to happen to her. Newt and I started quickly walking down the hallway figuring out what to do next, and trying to catch are  breath. Newt looks at me "what you send back there" I cut Newt off "I don't want to talk about it Newt" I say in a stan voice trying to keep it together Newt stops and looks at me "Let's split up to find her and try to find her" I look at Newt "No you find a way out of here". We split up a Newt went to find an exit out of this place, and I went to go find Margaret. I started running around calling out her name hoping she yells out to me and I can find her. I became more and more worried and more frantic, I came across some doors and I started bashing down the door "Margaret !!, Margaret !!" Hearing nothing I went to the next door and did the same thing.

Margaret Pov
I was in the same room where I was before I couldn't move, "naughty girl" Grindelwald send he points as one that me and put a spell on me then one black.

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