The audience at first was shocked at the identity of the first bachelor.  The older single ladies started whispering to each other about what to do.  Of course everyone knew that Mayor Latif was one of the most eligible bachelors on the island.  He had one of the biggest and baddest houses on the island, and he was not bad looking.  But the bidding was slow and hesitant.  The Mayor did not know that as Mert announced that he was the first bachelor up for auction, his daughter had stood up and gave all the women a nasty look.  Most of the women were scared of Idil and what she would do to them if they won the date.  A few women slowly tried to raise their paddles to bid as Mert was basically begging people to contribute to the good cause, but immediately put the paddles down whenever Idil's condemning eyes focused on them.  Finally, one of Latif's most ardent voters, a woman slightly blind on one eye, put in a bid.  Latif sighed with relief and smilingly walked off the stage.

The next bachelor to walk to the middle of the stage was the vet Fatih. He was dressed in his usual blue scrubs even though he had planned to wear a Hawaiian shirt and slacks.  He had been delayed by someone's sick dog and had just made it to the event before his name was called.  As a result, he was sweating profusely as he stood under the spotlight.  He was sure that no one would bid for him so he wasn't sure why he agreed to this. He kept peering at Selma. Hoping against all hope that she would bid for him. But Selma would not catch his eye. She was trying to look anywhere else but him.

The bidding for Fatih had been quite respectable. He was quite popular with a few of the single matrons who owned cats.  The bidding had gone back and forth to much laughter.  One of the most ardent bidder was a woman who always brought her cat to Fatih's store even though nothing was wrong with it. She had been very bright eyed and eager to bid for him. Fatih groaned after said woman won a date with him. Then he mentally shrugged, he really wouldn't really mind a night talking about the woman's beloved cat.

Up next was Alper. From the crowd's murmurings, the women were quite happy to finally have a handsome and young bachelor up for bidding.  Walking to the middle of the stage, Alper seemed to glow.  His bright blonde curls were brushed until it shown, and he flashed all the women a cheeky smile.  When the bidding for a date with him opened, the paddles started flashing fast.  One of the most passionate bidders for Alper other than Biricik was this woman who always brought the restaurant's vegetables in the morning. He had kind of known she was quite attracted to him since she always made a point to drop an onion in his vicinity. He suspected she was probably checking his rear out every time he bent over to retrieve it. He watched as Biricik's face took on a determined look as the bidding went back and forth between them. Melisa on the other hand had a sour look of disbelief the entire time.  In the end, Biricik's money won the day and Alper happily looked forward to his date with her.

Poyraz was the next bachelor to come up the stage.  There was a collective cry of excitement among the female populace in the crowd. Poyraz looked to be the definition of tall, dark and handsome as he walked to the middle of the stage.  He was wearing dark jeans and a black shirt with a couple of the buttons undone.  His broad chest and well sculpted muscles were well outlined by his clothing.  His tried to comb back his dark curls that kept falling on his face with his fingers, but his unruly hair had a mind of its own.  As he stood there, he looked mysterious and brooding. Sort of like Heathcliff but without the moors. Really, Poyraz was just embarrassed and he hoped the ordeal would be over soon.

The bidding was fierce and furious. Bidding paddles were lifted and waved nonstop.  Many women were quite willing to open their wallets to win a date with Poyraz.  By the end, however, the bidding had been left to two women, Haziran and Idil. Haziran had a mulish look on her face.  She was determined to make sure that Idil was going to lose out on this date.  Though Haziran did not want to admit to herself that she seriously liked Poyraz, she was willing to acknowledge that there was no way she would let that snake Idil go on a date with him.  Idil on the other hand looked at Haziran as if she was a repulsive slug.  Idil had cursed the day Haziran's feet had landed on the island.  Ever since Poyraz had seen Haziran, there had seemingly no one else for him.  Although both Haziran and Poyraz argued nonstop about the hotel, they also had been inseparable.  Poyraz always hovered by Haziran's vicinity.  Even now, Idil noticed that Poyraz was looking hopefully at Haziran.  Well Idil was determined to win this date and chase Haziran away from Poyraz's thoughts.

As the two women upped the bidding for a date night with him, Poyraz looked bewildered and embarrassed. He did not really like the attention. He especially did not enjoy when the people in the audience started cheering and taking sides on each bid. Loudest among them was Gorkem who kept yelling that he would willingly sell his beloved shoes to help Haziran to win. Poyraz was not sure what that meant. In the end, Haziran won.  She reveled in her victory, standing up and bowing to the audience as they clapped.  Then she faced her opponent and gave a smirk and a nod at Idil. Idil did not know that Haziran's win only came about after Gorkem, Biricik, Selma and even Nehir pooled their money with Haziran's own funds.  They were all willing to do anything to make sure Idil did not win.  Idil also did not know that Poyraz was very happy, even excited, that he was now required to go out on a date with Haziran.

The last bachelor to take the stage, to everyone's enjoyment was Sadik.  There was really no more need for additional funds to be raised since the bidding for Alper and Poyraz had raised enough funds for the kids' space camp trip.  But by now, the people in the audience had been so enjoying the bidding that they did not want the auction to end.  Sadik sashayed to the middle of the stage, wearing a red and white plaid short and white hat.  He gave the audience his winningest smile and promised to take his date on a tour of the island.  Sadik also slowly turned around, he said to better let the ladies appreciate who they were getting for a date.  He told everyone that the auction organizers had saved the best for last, literary the cherry on top of the sundae.  The audience laughed at Sadik's antics and the ensuing bidding was loud and friendly.  Everyone loved the island's local teddy bear who would willingly do anything for everyone. After much bidding, the winner was announced.  It was Gorkem!   What could be better than two best buds hanging out for a boys' night together?  That was certainly a prize worth winning.

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