Who (9)

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"Good afternoon, Hwang sshi or may I address you as Minhyun sshi?"

"Just Minhyun is fine."

Minhyun smiled brightly at the handsome fellow who sat down opposite him. Well, he recognised the handsome fellow as the one he accidentally/purposely bumped into the other time. The male didn't see to recognise him other wise or was just very well at pretending not to.

"Very well, Minhyun. I heard that  you made an appointment with me to... What was it again? Ah, yes. Sign up for a credit card."


"May I ask how you came to ask for me personally? Not many know about me."

Minhyun twitched. What was he going to say? Think of something, anything.

"Perhaps a friend referral?"

"Ah, yes. Of course." That wasn't too far off.

"May I know your friend's name?"

Minhyun took a deep breath. This was it. He was somehow relieved a little that he didn't have to figure out how to bring up Seungyoun's name randomly. "His name is Seungyoun."

Immediately, the male's stature changed but Minhyun couldn't tell whether he was nervous or serious. He looked up at Minhyun with a smile instead. "I see. What did your friend say about our services?"

"Wow. This guy is playing it cool," Seungyoun chirped in.

"He says you guys are the best bank in the world and he's very glad to be using your services which is why he recommended it to me," Minhyun said and Seungyoun was baffled.

"Lies. I never said those things."

"I see. How wonderful."

"But I have also heard of some... Not nice things too," Minhyun continued, making the male pause again. He straightened the paper in front of him and smiled again but this time, his eyes changed its glint. It made Minhyun a little nervous since he wasn't even sure how he was going to get any information about Seungyoun from here but it was worth a shot.

"And what exactly did you hear about us, Minhyun sshi?"

"I heard that there might be some... Foul play..."

"Oh? And foul play with what?"

Minhyun felt a little pressured suddenly from the way the other spoke. His voice didn't waver and was straight to the point that it felt like it was meant to cut him down. "Ahaha. Maybe it was just a baseless rumor."

"Perhaps. You shouldn't dabble too much on rumors. It might get you into trouble."


"Maybe you should just ask him about me," Seungyoun sighed, not liking where this was going or how it was going to end either.

"My friend, Seungyoun, is missing."

That made Hyo Seop twitch and his smiling facade broke.

"I'm actually here to ask if you know where he is...."

"Why would you come to a bank specifically for that?"

"This is where he told me he last came to."

Hyo Seop sighed and crossed his arms. "So you're here like some detective? You think a bank would do something to your friend?"

"No, not at all. I'm just worried about my friend. I don't know where else to go. The police won't believe me so this is my last resort. I just want to know what happened to him," Minhyun said, flashing sad eyes at the other. Seungyoun had to look away since he didn't know Minhyun could act like that. It made him want to laugh but he didn't want to accidentally distract Minhyun now. Hyo Seop sighed and flipped the paper over before leaning closer.

My NAME : WHOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora