What (3)

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Piqued was my interest as I went after the man who promptly kicked the rubbish off his feet and hopped off onto the street, mumbling to himself. Following him closely since it didn't matter because I'm a ghost, I followed him to a pretty regular looking house.

"What do we have here?" I chuckled as I walked right in through the door before he even opened it. I whistled as I realised how the house was instantly suspicious to me. It did look like a regular house but almost too regular. There were no wall decorations or any signs of someone actually putting any effort into decorating or designing the place. He walked in and I turned around as he flicked the lights on, a little surprised to find that it was the waiter whose voice seemed to stand out to me. He tossed his keys aside and removed his jacket, placing it on the drawer as if his movements were calculated as he eyed the place before walking again. I followed him to the next room he entered, even more suspicious since it was locked.

Strutting in after him, I noticed multiple things in the room that should seem unfamiliar to me but it felt like I knew the sight of them. Wads of bank notes hung on strings as if they were drying up along with a printer and a laptop made me even more curious as I looked at the other more interesting instruments laying about. The water dish, the magnifying glass. It was a curious looking place for sure.

"Ugh... How can I get this done on time... Shouldn't have wasted so much time trying to see if that guy would show up again," the waiter mumbled to himself as he clicked away on the laptop. I peered at it curiously and hummed.

"Fake cash....?" I murmured before a sharp pain hit me in the head out of nowhere. Grunting and grasping my head as I leaned forward, I looked up to find me looking at myself in the mirror except I have no idea who I was.

My reflection grinned at me as if it was mocking me for my loss of memories. I panted, feeling frustration bubble in my chest. I yelled at my reflection that only snickered back at me.

Stop it.

Stop this.

I don't like this.

I spun around to find myself someplace familiarly unfamiliar as if my head was all jumbled up and everything felt like a haze. Nothing felt real.

Because it's not real.

I'm not truly here.

This place.

This rundown place.

Similar instruments and machinery but bigger in size and more in amounts laid about the place.

Cash, cash, cash.

"They're all fake," I heard myself say. My head ached. It felt like it was splitting. The room spinning and I could do nothing to stop it.

"Yes, you can," I said too.

"I can't."

"You can. Just stop lying to yourself."

"Shut up! You don't know me!"

"Don't be an idiot. I am you."

I gasped as if waking from a cold sweaty dream to find myself in Minhyun's apartment again. I started to calm down, feeling a rush in my body despite my heart having no heartbeat.

The door creaked open and Minhyun walked out while yawning.

"Hmm? Morning, Woodz."

"M-muh?" I spun around and my eyes widened. Since when did it become morning? "What?! It was still night just seconds ago!"

"Huh? No, no, it's definitely morning." Minhyun was surprised by my words as he headed to me and opened the curtains. I winced when the light poured in.

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