Where (1)

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I opened my eyes and breathed in sharply.


The same old scenery.

As if watching a tape on rewind over and over.

Watching the two argue in the car.

Laughing at them.

How silly and stupid they are.

Why be together if you're always going to fight?

Always going to argue?


He saw me.

He's coming down the car towards me.


"Really? You don't mind? Not at all?"

I blinked and saw Minhyun jumping, bumping into the wall or wherever I suddenly ended up in.

"Minhyun sshi?! Are you alright?"


"Hi," I chirped at Minhyun who was breathing in deeply. "Sorry?"

"I'm fine, Baekho sshi... I just thought... There was a fly..."

"Really? You really jumped up so high. Are you that afraid of insects?"

I just smiled awkwardly at my impromptu appearance that obviously, I couldn't do anything about either. And why I keep ending up with this man, I didn't understand myself either. Maybe it was because he was the only one who could see and talk to me.

"No, I'm not usually...this afraid but when they're up at my face," he muttered as they both patted him down. "Sorry if I surprised you too."

"It's alright. I just hope you're okay."

"Y-yeah, I am. Um... Yes, I would go to dinner with you."

"Wow. What happened when I wasn't here?" I asked jokingly and Minhyun sighed.

"Can I go to the bathroom for a moment, Baekho sshi?"

"Hmm? Sure. I'll wait for you here."

He looked at me and I took that as a signal to follow him to the public bathroom.

"What happened to you?" he asked me and I shrugged.

"How would I know?"

He pursed his lips and shook his head. "You know what... I don't even want to know. Hah... Just... Tonight, could you not hang around me?"

"So you two can flirt without me staring?" I chuckled and he rubbed his neck. I cleared my throat and put my hands against my hips. "You don't get along with anyone in the office but you really like him, huh?"

"I do and I don't want you to ruin my chances."

"Alright, alright. I won't say a word to you but I do want to tag along."

He looked like he wanted to argue but decided it was better not to when someone entered the toilet and gave him an odd look since he was just standing there. He hurried out and I followed him regardless since I had nothing better to do anyways.

"Since when did you have a biker jacket and cut your hair?" he whispered and I looked down at my clothes, finally realising that my clothes were completely different. I shrugged since its not like I could change clothes as I please or visit a barber and he didn't ask any further.

"You alright?" Baekho asked and he nodded.

"Sure am. Let's go."

They had a light chat regarding the weather and what not as they walked to what I believe was Baekho's car. Hopping into the back seat without much of a permission needed, I decided to stretch out my long limbs and close my eyes. As soon as the car started moving, my thoughts went to the situation that played out before me earlier.

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