Who (4)

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There was definitely something suspicious about this. He didn't think it was all coincidence. Still, it was difficult to get any evidence or proof like this. There was hardly a nice timing for him when his part time took up so much of his time working behind the counters except today when he finally had a rare day off on a weekday. So there he was in his hoodie, hanging around the front of the cafe in hopes that that white-collar worker whose name he knew would show up again. All things considered, if it went well, he might able to finally know where Woodz went. Strutting impatiently and then sitting down made him just all the more impatient until he finally saw him. He got up hurriedly but pulled himself to a stop. How would he even start the conversation? Does he just say hi? What if that had been a fluke or he had just misheard him?

No, no, no. This was no time for hesitation. He decided to wait for Minhyun to come out instead. The other finally walked out, cup in hand and headed for the bus station. He was just about to tap him on the shoulder when he overheard the other speaking.

"-here today. Do you think he quit his job?"

Wooseok became confused since he didn't see anyone else talking to him. Earphones maybe? Taking the chance of still being unnoticed, he walked up to his side and peeked to find no earphones sticking out either. What was going on? Is he senile?

"Ah, sorry," Minhyun apologised when he almost bumped into Wooseok who just nodded briefly and hurried forward. "Hmm?"

"What's the matter?" I asked since Minhyun stared at the guy who just walked pass him.

"He just... Looked familiar. In any case, I didn't see him at the cafe today."

"Maybe it's just his day off?"


This is really weird. Definitely. He's definitely talking to himself. Wooseok watched quietly as Minhyun's lips kept moving slightly and pausing before moving again as if having a conversation. One that he couldn't fully see both sides of. Was he... A psychic? Someone who could talk to others telepathically? Wooseok thought they were only fantasy but this might not be the case. This person was clearly speaking to himself yet looked as sane as any normal person was. Or maybe he was just being dumb and the man was wired. Wouldn't that make him more dangerous? He braved himself and decided to pay a visit to a hardware store.

"Tape, ropes and a barbecue kit?" the cashier asked in amusement at the weird array of things on the counter.

"Yeah. I'm thinking of going camping so... Just in case anything happens, I heard tape and ropes are really useful," Wooseok said with a confident smile as the cashier scanned his items. "Thanks."

He quickly left with the items and prepared for what might be the most dangerous thing he was about to attempt if his actual job wasn't already dangerous enough. If Minhyun was a hired arm, he highly doubt he would be able to go up against him in hand to hand combat but then again, he had to take precautions for his own safety. After all, that man was much much taller than him and his eyes were those of a fox's. It did sort of reminded him of Woodz's eyes and the first time he had seen that man as well. He was just as tall, if not taller than the white collar male. Gaze sharp and relentless. Faded red hair and a frightening aura. Wooseok would be lying if he said he wasn't intimidated by him the first time they met.

But it was all different now.

"So what you're saying is you want to invite Baekho for dinner and you want me to go home by myself?" I asked with a slight sulk. "Baekho doesn't even know I exist. It's fine for me to just hang around, isn't it?"

"Well... But I can see you," Minhyun sighed, wondering how he was going to convince the ghost to let him have a nice date without him around.

"And you can see other ghosts too!"

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