Why (4)

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"I don't want you to die...," Baekho sobbed and Minhyun could feel him shaking as he cried while holding onto him tightly. "Please.... Even if it's for someone else..."

It woke him. Minhyun blinked and looked at Baekho. He didn't think he would have jumped after Woodz like that either. He must be crazy...

"I'm sorry... I... I have no excuse for what I just did... I'm sorry," Minhyun whispered, a little out of breath himself as well. He looked at his hand, wondering if he actually did catch Woodz now. He felt guilty for making Baekho cry, leaning on him and sinking into his warmth.

"Woah, what are we doing here?"

Minhyun looked up in surprise to find Woodz standing there. Deja vu, he thought as the other rubbed his forehead. He was back to the way Minhyun had first saw him. The black coat, red mullet, quirky behavior.

"Minhyun and your boyfriend. Why is he crying?"

"Because I tried to jump after you to catch you when you jumped," Minhyun scoffed and Baekho's sobs died down.

"I jumped? From up here? Woah-that's nuts. Why would I do that?" Woodz exclaimed while gazing down from a safe distance. "I'm afraid of heights."

"He's back...?" Baekho sniffled and Minhyun nodded before letting out a dragged out sigh. "You! You, Woodz! How dare you do that!"

"Wah. Why is he angry at me?"

"Why would you jump and try to kill yourself?! Don't you treasure your.... Ghostly life?" Baekho rambled and Minhyun let out a restrained laugh. "Don't you put Minhyun into danger like this again! You hear me??"

"It's not like I have any idea what you guys are talking about," Woodz sighed and Minhyun kissed Baekho's cheek to calm him down.

"He doesn't remember it, Baekho..."


"Woodz. Doesn't remember what he just tried to do."

"He doesn't? Then... Who were you even trying to save?"

Minhyun blinked, caught off guard by Baekho's question. He turned to Woodz who tilted his head and copied his movement. "Good question... Who was I trying to save...?"

"You guys totally lost me," Woodz sighed. "In any case, let's go back?"

Minhyun nodded and tried to get up but his legs buckled and he fell back into Baekho's hold instead. "Oops... Sorry, seems like I'm actually scared out of my wits..."

"I'll carry you," Baekho said and lifted Minhyun swiftly in his arms, making the other blush furiously as he held onto Baekho.


"Don't be... You did just jump off a building and you are still recovering too. Let's go home."

"Okay. Thank you, Baekho."

As the two headed down the stairs, Woodz stared at their back and smiled. He was glad to be back.


"Aah! Dammit... Ugh...," the male groaned as he failed to make any progress with his investigation and had stubbed his little toe as he tried to kick something. He had been going around asking their clients regarding Woodz but no one really seemed to know where he is or what happened to him either. There were only a few clients left on the list for Wooseok to ask but there were a few he rather avoid asking since they intimidated him with the sheer scale of their organisation and their looks. He knew it was also probably not the safest to be asking around for Woodz but now that he knew his friend was trying to remember what happened prior to his death, Wooseok became curious as well. Even he wanted some closure for Woodz's sake and he also wished to be remembered.

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