Who (7)

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Upon hearing my shriek, Minhyun dove behind a table near a wall as fast and quietly as he could. I hid beside him and he used the back of his hand to cover his mouth. I never really understood the gesture but I suppose it was to stop any weird squeaks from being too loud.

"They have guns!" I squeaked beside him, knowing that they can't hear me and he frowned at me, trying to still his breath. "I don't know people with guns! I think?"

He slapped his hand over my mouth and I took that as an indication to not distract him from staying quiet. He didn't even dare peek out so I moved his hand aside and emerged from the hiding spot. He can't make a move here but I can see what's going on. They entered as if they were professional gunners, each taking a side and covering each other's blind spots as they scanned through the entire floor before relaxing into a more casual pose. Gun strapping back into their backs.

"Coast is clear. Are you sure about the tip?" one of them spoke.

"Yes. He said he saw someone, a young man, entering the building not too long ago," someone from the back said.

"But the door was still locked so maybe another resident?" someone else said.

"That can't be. There's no one else who has lived here for the past 30 years."

"Search the place. Maybe he is still here."

I blinked and walked closer to them, trying to identify them but I didn't recognise any of them. They were all in black sleek suits as well. Policeman? That couldn't be. Maybe. I mean, forging fake bills are illegal but I couldn't recall ever getting caught before unless.... I was sold out instead. But why? Who? I felt as if my own life became more confusing to myself.

"2 months. It's been 2 months since we got the tip from that unknown caller about a forger and without even destroying any evidence or burning the place of operation down, the suspect has never come back even once before?" one of them hissed.

"Maybe he already fled the country?"

"Guys, you guys are forgetting that we don't even know if the suspect is a guy or a girl. Other than these hanging photographs that shows the CEO of the Cho bank, there's no other clue. The CEO himself also hasn't shown any signs of misconduct in his part. This whole mission is a bust. We got a whole lot of nothing. The other picture with his nephew is useless too since we got nothing on him and he's still back in Brazil."


I felt like I was about to remember something when I caught sight of someone approaching the table Minhyun was hiding behind and the thought went away as I rushed over. What do I do? Before he could look behind table, I stuck my hands into his body and he jerked back in a startle. His companions looked at him with a weird look.

"Sorry. Cold breeze here."

"Breeze? Look, guys. The window is open." They started gathering at the window instead to his relief. "Seems like that boy might have snuck back inside. Maybe he snuck out the moment he heard us so that means he could already be miles away by now if we didn't take notice of him. Shit! How do we report this back?"

"We just gotta tell the truth. Unless we can pull dirt on his uncle that can implicate him as an accomplice or a prime suspect, I don't see any other way to solve this case."

"Let's go then. Put everything back in place."

"We didn't even touch anything," another replied snarkily as they headed out and locked the door again. Minhyun wanted to cry at that point, having to hide for so long. He let out a quiet breath of relief and rubbed his eyes to be sure that he didn't actually tear up. He slowly poked his head out and saw me standing in the middle of the room. I turned to him and walked back towards him.

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